Cartoons shot by famous film directors (8 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 0+
6 April 2023

Directing a film and a full-length cartoon are two different profile. Therefore, many filmmakers are hesitant to take on animated pictures. After all, to manage cameramen and actors on site is a different story. However, some masters cinematography still takes risks and directs cartoons. Yes, some of them were not the most successful, for example, "Polar Express" by Robert Zemeckis. But at the same time, the creator of the rooftop universe "Mad Max" George Miller managed to create an "Oscar-winning" cartoon for the whole family. Let's see which other famous directors decided try your hand at directing cartoons.

Pinocchio Guillermo del Toro (2022)

Directed by: Guillermo del Toro.

In the filmography of the director, the Oscar-winning "Pinocchio" is adjacent to films "Hellboy: Hero from Hell", "Pan's Labyrinth", Pacific Rim, The Shape of Water, and Nightmare Alley.

Happy Feet (2006)

Directed by: George Miller.

Surprisingly, this cartoon coexists in the filmography director with four Mad Max parts and, best of all, with movie "Babe: Four-Legged Baby".

So this is still a children's director or director of films about the post-apocalypse?

Legends of the Night Watchmen (2010)

Directed by: Zack Snyder.

This cartoon was the next in Snyder's filmography after "300 Spartans" and "Keepers". And after the cartoon about owls, the director took over the films of the DC universe.

The Adventures of Tintin: The Mystery of the Unicorn (2011)

Directed by: Steven Spielberg.

Here you can not list what films this director made, everything and so they know a couple, or even a dozen. Of course, Spielberg even cartoons are unusual - this is a 3D film made using technology motion capture. True, he did not become a discovery in the world of cartoons and was accepted by the audience without any enthusiasm.

Rango (2011)

Directed by: Gore Verbinski.

The director is best known for staging the first three parts. "Pirates of the Caribbean", as well as the films "Mouse Hunt", "The Mexican", "The Lone Ranger" and, unexpectedly, the same horror movie "Call".

The director often collaborates with Johnny Depp, who voiced Chameleon Rango. The cartoon won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature. project of the year, and it is also quite curiously filmed.

Polar Express (2004)/ A Christmas Carol (2009)

Directed by: Robert Zemeckis.

Both of these animation projects were created using technology motion capture, and were both criticized for their "uncanny valley" effect.

Zemeckis himself had previously shot not something there, but the trilogy Back to the Future and Forrest Gump.

Corpse Bride (2005)/ Frankenweenie (2012)

Directed by: Tim Burton.

In general, Burton is an animator, he even worked in this position for Walt Disney studios, so the appearance in his track record cartoons directed by him was only a matter of time.

However, before his first cartoon, he made as many as 10 films, among which "Batman", "Sleepy Hollow", "Big Fish", "Beetlejuice" and, Of course, Edward Scissorhands.

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)/ Isle of Dogs (2018)

Directed by: Wes Anderson.

The visual style of Wes Anderson's films is such that even if he I would try not to make a cartoon! Recall that the director shot "Hotel Grand Budapest", "Kingdom of the Full Moon" and "French Messenger".

Both of these cartoon projects are also distinguished by the fact that they are essentially puppet cartoons, that is, real figures were created for them characters, and used real sand and other scenery.

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