A selection of curious Easter eggs from the films of 2022 (15 photos)

Category: Movie
28 December 2022

So, before the new year, there is nothing left. For 2022 many films and cartoons have been made, many of which frankly failed, while others became the usual "prohodnyak". But there were also very good projects that the audience will remember for a long time. And how are you you know, directors often hide a lot of easter eggs and other things in their films curious little things that are very interesting to find and solve. Let's see what interesting details the attentive movie lovers.

Three thousand years of desire

In one of the scenes, portraits with eyes are visible in the background - these are the eyes of Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba, the leading actors.

Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers

In one of the scenes in the background, you can see that the house elf Dobby modeled for Gucci after filming the Harry films ended Potter.

Let's clarify that in the movie "Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers" 2022 the heroes of the 1990s cartoon of the same name are shown as actors who were once famous, and now they only earn extra money in show business. That's Dobby here is an elf actor who, unlike the main characters, built successful modeling career.

Uncharted: Not on the cards

Nathan Drake and Chloe Fraser (Tom Holland and Sofia Ali) meet at the beach of a stranger who says that once something happened to him similar (fell out of a car that fell out of an airplane). Played by Nolan North is the voice actor for Nathan Drake in the Uncharted video games.

I blush

Two girls in the cartoon can be seen wearing blue patches on hands. They are actually insulin pumps for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. type. Susan Fong, the technical director of the cartoon, as a child diagnosed with diabetes, and it's a common Pixar practice to do similar easter eggs.


A bust of Shakespeare can be seen at Wayne Manor. This is a reference to 1960s Batman TV series where Bruce Wayne held up a bust of Shakespeare and pressed the button below it to open the entrance to the Batcave.

In the scene with the Penguin, we can see the famous Pipistrello lamp, created in 1965 by designer Gae Aulenti. With Pipistrello is Italian for "bat".

Top Gun: Maverick

The North American P-51 Mustang fighter that appeared in the film owned by Tom Cruise. The actor has been a licensed pilot since 1994. years (no one doubted), and this is his favorite plane.

Death on the Nile

The heroine Rosalie Otterborn in one of the scenes insults Hercule Poirot, saying that he finds it "disgusting, pompous, tiresome, self-centered little hypocrite." This is a direct quote from Agatha Christie who, over 40 years of writing books, has fallen out of love with this character.

Thor: Love and Thunder

In the first half of the movie, Mick is drawing something on the board. Us show this frame for only a couple of seconds, because actually it is depicted here the entire plot of the film.


The freighter from the film bears the name Murnau. It's a German surname director Friedrich Murnau, who directed "Nosferatu, a symphony of horror" (1922) - the first film adaptation of the novel "Dracula" in history and in general one of the first vampire films.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

This year's sequel to the original 1974 film makes a reference to him with the help of the Texas population the town where the events take place.

Faster than bullet

Film director David Leitch appears in the film as a bystander concerned about the accident.


The pattern on the jacket of the character Ricky "Jupe" Park at the beginning of the film will spoil us a little for future events.

Pinocchio Guillermo del Toro

Count Volpe's hair resembles the ears of a fox, and his name is exactly what is translated from Italian - "fox".

Everything everywhere and at once

Jamie Lee Curtis' outfit was copied from a stock photo of a real IRS worker.

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