Drunk woman called an ambulance instead of a taxi and paid the price

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
5 April 2023

Later, another state-owned car with flashing lights drove up and nevertheless drove a brawler. to the department.

Extremely drunk Muscovite came up with a "brilliant" plan to save money. She called an ambulance, reported the illness and called the doctors to the entrance. However, the doctor and paramedic who came to the call were met by a very healthy and aggressive woman who demanded to be dropped off at the indicated address. Surprised by her arrogance, the ambulance officers, of course, refused. Then the next episode of the never-ending series "Take me, scum" began. The woman began to insult the doctors and even tried to snatch the phone from one of them.
It is noteworthy that the brawler decided that if she is unemployed, then she must be transported free of charge by the emergency services of the city.

As a result, the doctors called the police to punish the aggressive lady. The woman was detained and with a breeze rolled to the police station. Unfortunately, the further fate of the brawler is unknown. It remains to be hoped that she will get off not only with a fine of one and a half thousand rubles under Art. 19.13. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

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