14 curious photos of all sorts of rarities (15 photos)

3 April 2023

We always notice something interesting and unusual when we travel to new places, but in everyday life we often lose curiosity. And life keeps proving that there's always something something new to admire if you just look closely. In this post you You will see interesting and informative images.

1. Belgian blue bull

2. Miniature art of Abdulrahman Eid

Source 3The rare tropical forest giraffe (okapi) found in the Central African Congo

4. Wood opal. This is the real tree, only very ancient - the age of such material is usually estimated at two or three hundreds of millions of years. Water with minerals penetrated between the cells of the tree, washing out organics, but preserving the cellular structure

Source 5Beetle Orb Sculpture Made From Real Volkswagen Beetle 1953 release. The author is a famous Indonesian artist Ichvan Noor

6. Yipianwachan Copper Temple, Fujian, China

Source 7 Engineers in Ulm, Germany, Created Solar Houses batteries for the homeless. Each capsule can accommodate up to two people and equipped with: air filter, lighting, smoke detector and sensor movements

8. The tree decided to start a new life

SourcePhoto 9A rhinoceros walking the streets of Saurahi, Nepal

10. The last throne of the Brazilian imperial family, who ended their reign in 1889

11. Sculpture in iron and stone by Romain Langlois

< br> 12. Kane Tanaka lived to be 119 years old (she is 118 in the photo). her age was officially confirmed. She got into the Guinness Book of Records and died in April 2022 at the age of 120

13. Alley of Baobabs in Madagascar

14. A slide in a shopping center in Berlin

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