15 entertaining images of curious rarities (16 photos)

23 February 2023

We always meet a lot of unusual things when we travel around new places. And life every day continues to prove to us that always there is something amazing to admire. In this post you you will see amazing things and interesting events.

The Whirlpool Galaxy as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope

The string quartet performs to an audience of 2292 plants, at the opening of Barcelona's Liceu Grand Theatre, June 22, 2020

Original medieval clock face of Wells Cathedral, created around 1325, when church dogma is still claimed that the Earth is at the center of the universe, and the Sun (outer ring) and the moon (inner ring) revolve around us

Australian starfish Choriastre

Airplane passenger filmed chemical fire after train crash in Ohio

In Shandong, China, a farmer with a mental disorder built 7-story do-it-yourself building with the goal of having his two brothers move in live with him, despite the fact that the villagers repeatedly said him that both his brothers had long since died

Living root bridge in Meghalaya, India. People use traditional tribal knowledge to the roots of the Indian rubber tree grew across the stream. The bridge can withstand a load of 50 people

Fringed tortoise mata-mata, carnivorous and creepy looking

Giant poisonous clam "Spanish dancer" Australia

Philadelphia police oil a street pole to keep revelers from climbing it after the Super Bowl

Over 10,000 years ago, a woman or young man committed two trips, at least one with a toddler. Traces are preserved in modern White Sands National Park in New Mexico, 1.5 km, consisting of 400 human prints

Interior of a gypsy wagon, 1800

The narrowest street in Italy

Miniature chess in the ring, which is made in the form of a chessboard

The "Stairway of Death" is part of the stone steps built by the Incas and leading to the top of Huayna Picchu, Peru.

"Pulse" is a wonderful art installation by the Venezuelan artist Claudia Bueno. This work of art consists of 60 illuminated glass panels that contain countless, carefully intertwined, and superimposed drawings of white lines

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