russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for March 30

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
31 March 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- 300 DJI Mavic 3T thermal drones of the Ukrainian forces were transferred to the front.

- Pentagon:

65 Ukrainian soldiers were trained with the Patriot air defense system in the USA.

- Ukrainian Operations Center using Discord, Zoom and Google Meet.

- Russian member of the PMC Wagner and former prisoner Ivan Rossomahin, convicted of murder, returned from the war and… killed the woman again.

- Russian BMP-2 with anti-drone network from the fence

- Russian Foreign Ministry:

As a gesture of goodwill, Russia will notify the United States of launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine missiles under the 1988 treaty, despite the suspension of START.

- FSB of Russia:

Wall Street Journal correspondent Evan Gershkovich detained in Yekaterinburg for espionage.

On instructions from the US, Gershkovich collected information about one of the enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex.

- Today Türkiye will approve Finland's membership in NATO.

Turkish parliament to vote today to approve Finland's membership in NATO.


Turkish deputies unanimously ratify Finland's membership in NATO.

For: 276

Against: 0

- Czech volunteers are handing over to Ukraine 15 mobile anti-aircraft systems MP-2 "Victor", equipped with a twin 14.5-mm anti-aircraft gun

- «Delicious — and dot for the first year of operation, it went into negative territory by 11.3 billion rubles.

In 2021, McDonald's in Russia received ₽9.4 billion in profit.

- The US will do everything possible to help Ukraine win the war, — U.S. Ambassador Bridget Brink at a meeting with SBU Head Vasily Malyuk.

The head of the SBU also thanked for the support and assistance provided by the United States to Ukraine in the fight against Russia's armed aggression.

- They lured money right out of prison: the SBU detained the criminals.

The Security Service and the National Police liquidated a fraudulent scheme in the Rivne region to defraud money from relatives of missing Ukrainian soldiers.

Illegal activities were organized by three prisoners of the local correctional colony, who were serving sentences for grave crimes.

- It is dangerous to consider the spring counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine decisive, — Kuleba.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister clarified that many Western officials consider the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian armed forces, which could take place in the spring, as a decisive moment for Kyiv.

- In Bolshaya Dymerka, chips and Pepsi will be distributed free of charge for the population affected by the war.

Help that everyone was waiting for. But what about Coca-Cola fans?

- Schoolchildren in Japan unconventionally joined in helping Ukraine.

Children sowed a field with sunflowers, then made oil out of it, sold it, and transferred the proceeds to the Embassy of Ukraine.

- OnlyFans for the last quarter of 2022 in Ukraine paid $303.1 thousand "tax on Google", — MP Zheleznyak.

And this despite the fact that pornography is prohibited in Ukraine. If it were legalized, these figures could be 2-3 times higher.

- Russia wants to get weapons from the DPRK in exchange for food, — The White house.

Russia plans to send ( a delegation to the DPRK, offering food in exchange for weapons. Washington is concerned that Pyongyang will provide assistance.

- Ukrainian athletes were banned from participating in competitions and qualifying starts for the 2024 Olympics if athletes from Russia or Belarus are represented there, — Minister Nemchinov.

For violation of this decision, sports federations may lose their state status.

- +560 very, very good Russians will never be released again

▪️As of March 28, among the "demobilized", 2000 officers: as many as 4 generals and 54 regiments, for example

Keep up the good work

- Representatives of the Russian elite make contact with Ukraine and ask for security guarantees for themselves

▪️ This is information from the Ukrainian GUR. In Russia, it turns out that “the war was a colossal mistake and a crime, and the finale will be tragic for Russia”;

The rats ran from the cruiser "Moskva"

- They won't give Lada anymore, they've run out. AvtoVAZ will not be able to produce them

▪️Guess why — right: interruptions in the supply of components

Putin Outplayed Everyone Again. Now in the Russian family there will be neither a man nor Lada

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