For resentment, sadness, joy, love: a teardrop is an ambiguous device of antiquity (15 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
27 March 2023

Women are terrible crybabies. Don't feed them honey, let them cry for about and without. And this feature of the body of representatives of the beautiful sex insidious men used to their advantage.

Teardrop, which can also be called a tear catcher, It is a small vessel with a narrow neck. It can be done without damage to health, press firmly against the delicate skin in the area of u200bu200bthe eyelid. For what? Just for catching tears.

Mentions of unusual gadgets are found in history Ancient Rome. Specially hired to participate in the funeral processions of mourners collected their bodily fluids in these vessels. After that, the open vials, as a tribute to memory, were placed in grave.

It is clear that such accompaniment could only afford very wealthy citizens. Inhabitants of other ancient states, to For example, the Byzantines used teardrops as indicators for their wives. Arriving from distant wanderings or a military campaign, the husband checked the container: how much the betrothed cried, and whether she properly yearned for her own spouse. And then they also boasted to each other - they say, and my the one who suffered the most.

An example of antiquity was adopted romantically tuned residents of the United States who saw off their husbands to the Civil War. Remembered their men and shed tears in memory of them, showing loyalty, devotion and love.

During the Victorian era, the lachrymatory experienced a rebirth. Which is logical - the reign of Queen Victoria is characterized by romanticization of the cult of death. And no wonder: people died and perished often and a lot of. Widows were charged with collecting tears in teardrops, and on the anniversary pour everything that has accumulated in the vial onto the grave of the deceased. Since demand creates supply, shortages in buyers traps there were no tears. And the masters tried to outdo each other in elegance and pretentiousness of the forms of these vessels.

Growing interest in antique teardrops among collectors celebrated even today. Such miniature crystal, glass, metal things will be the pearl of any collection. And if also come up with a romantic story to please the ears of guests and already from knock out their tears, and in general you can achieve complete catharsis.

True, some cynics and skeptics disagree with history tears. Say, it's all lyrics and pink snot. But in reality in these containers sold expensive oils. But believe in the cynical statements that teardrops are not mentioned in authoritative sources are not Necessarily. After all, a light romantic flair will definitely not make it worse practical and sometimes cruel life realities.

Stills from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"

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