Needleworkers who decided to do something cool, but the result was a little disappointing (18 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
27 March 2023

Creativity is definitely a good thing. Creation of various things with his own hands perfectly develops creative thinking and not bad dilutes the daily routine. In addition, personal creations have a special charm and value.

Some people, starting to engage in needlework, are sure that they will be able to create a masterpiece that will surely delight everyone in two accounts.

In reality, expectations do not always match reality. Often, newly-made needleworkers get quite funny and ridiculous gizmos. Despite the failure, they are quite fun to consider. Would you like to cheer yourself up? Let's take a look at the photo presented below.

I am one of those who understand the principle of how things work, ignore the diagrams, and then suffer

But now it is an excellent hand puppet!

When I decided to slightly correct the knitting pattern, but everything did not go according to plan

Pattern Name: Slenderman Jumper.

Maybe he'll grow up to it?

Knitted a hat, but something went wrong

Looks like a beanie for Marge Simpson.

There is so much to hide there.

Gift for newlyweds

What was in the plans and what happens. I won't even finish it

My mom tried to make a cute teddy bear out of towels.

Making a doll out of felt didn't go quite according to plan

I am knitting a sweater now. It's funny how long this collar turned out to be.

Expectation and reality

This bullfinch is clearly dissatisfied with something.

I used a Baby Yoda cookie cutter and accidentally made a gremlin

The fur suit I made for my doll because I had too much free time.

Ceramic figurine of Hermione Granger. Something obviously went wrong during the build phase.

Decided to make a friend a mug as a gift

I knew that clay was not my forte. But my hands itched clay was available. Bought frosting. Beautiful. Spectacular. Eventually it turned out to be some kind of satanist mug. Feeling like she was killed. And maybe drank the blood of babies. Probably, it is necessary to finish translating the clay.

Something like this

Cake and scared corgis

I knitted my first blanket. It's always better to follow the pattern

This blanket is a version of an ugly Christmas sweaters, but I like it. It looks like an alien than the more you look at him, the cuter he becomes.

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