15 times when road signs were used for other purposes - and it turned out cool (16 photos)
Traffic signs abroad are of great interest. They are used not only for performances and exhibitions, but also as furniture. Someone specially to order makes tables and chairs, adding highway style in the interior.
1. Our signs cannot be used like that! This is state property.
2. But let's see how they have fun abroad.
3. More than 14 ways to make furniture from signs with your own hands.
4. Someone makes from real signs
5. They are bent, giving the desired shape
6. Even shelves can be made
7. A little garage style
8. Bases and legs in both wood and metal
10. This is the work of the designer
12. But with your own hands it turns out cool
14. Often the signs are decorative, they are made in production, and not taken from the street or garbage
15. How do you like this style?