30 disgusting photos that you want to immediately unsee (31 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 18
17 March 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

Moldy food, guts spilling out in the movie horrors, everything that you personally consider the height of abomination - it would seem people try to avoid such things, or at least turn away from them, Truth? But not always. Often we experience a strange pleasure, looking at such disgusting things, and it seems that this is how the subreddit appeared with title-call "Make me suffer." Move the plate away away: the selection is not for the weak stomach!

1. "Cleaned the drain in my sister's shower"

2. "Black mold growing in a cat bowl left soaked in water for weeks"

3. "Husband has a severe allergy to dogs. Here's what happened when he bought a game console from people who lied that they didn't have pets"

Source 4The Mayflies Clinging to a Gas Station Pump in South Carolina

5. "My grandmother has had this brush for a very long time..."

6. "I would just die"

7. "Partner throws used contact lenses behind the bed"

8. "My sister is growing a tooth from the palate"

9. "The radiologist said that there is no fracture ... Something I doubt"

10. "In our house for many years constantly crawled out ants, and today, painting the walls, we discovered where they come from"

11. "My leg 4 days after sprain"

12. Office chair with a 90 kg amethyst crystal

13. "I had a hangnail..."

14. "Scar after open reduction and internal fixation. It looks like an American football."

15. "When someone moves out without cleaning the fridge"

16. "Hand-foot-mouth syndrome (enteroviral vesicular stomatitis) is no joke to you"

17. "Found these guys crawling on my kitchen floor this morning after a heavy rain."

18. "The result of a frontal collision on an off-road motorcycle"

19. "One piece of mussel and this is the result"

20. "Mold in the shower"

21. "A wart on my finger, which has been nothing for many years does not take. She almost fell off after freezing, but continues come back"

22. "He was there for about an hour and I couldn't get him out because that it was too far under the eyelid and I had to wait until it move on its own"

23. "Saw these creatures at the bottom of the toilet. Removed them from bleach, and they reappeared a couple of days later. What the heck?"

24. "X-ray of my broken arm as a child"

25. "The hairbrush my daughter leaves hanging in the shower"

26. "Friends' house, the glass is straight out of the dishwasher, and the hair seems to be somehow embedded in the glass."

27. "It"

28. "Very strange beard"

29. "I have progressed epidermophytosis of the feet"

30. "Broke my finger looking for something to eat"

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