russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for March 15-16

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
17 March 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Find a dead Muscovite

Ready for hints?

- Another 980 asvabadites were demobilized by Ukrainian soldiers

The total number of losses of the Russian army has already reached the figure 161520

▪️ captain Alexey Frolov; ▪️ senior lieutenant Alexei Zorin; ▪️ Senior Lieutenant Vyacheslav Pogorelov; ▪️ Senior Lieutenant Imam Mehtikhanov; ▪️ senior lieutenant Rustam Uzakov; ▪️ senior lieutenant Nikita Kovalenko; ▪️ senior lieutenant Eduard Kirsanov; ▪️ Senior Lieutenant Anton Meshkov.

- The occupying army is already preparing for the Ukrainian counteroffensive

▪️Analysis of satellite images ( testifies to the construction of various fortifications by the Russian Federation around the occupied territory of Ukraine and borders with it

▪️Most of all near Melitopol – the whole map is red

By the way, concrete tetrahedra – such fortifications, complete garbage. Technology of the Second World War. It won't save them at all.

- Military registration and enlistment offices in the Voronezh region begin serving subpoenas

▪️ «Exclusively updating military registration data», — reported in the Voronezh region

🪖💀 Let's do it so that we then have less work on identification, Voronezh, Run

- New bottom! I taught physics, who sold amphets, was personally pardoned by Putin for her husband's participation in PMC Wagner

▪️In 2018, Dmitry Karavaichik and Diana Gribovskaya (at that time a physics teacher) received 17 and 16 years for the production and sale of amphetamine. Husband cooked and wife sold

▪️Recently, a convict gave an interview at large, where he admitted that he went to fight in Ukraine. And now Putin pardoned both

At the next elections it will be new deputies of the State Duma. If Raska does not fall apart, of course

- Brilliant! Yesterday, the asvabaditel in Belgorod dismissed themselves from the air defense, and today in Bryansk they decided to include the costs of its maintenance in utility bills

▪️This paragraph has already been removed from the website of the Regional Duma, but we managed to take a screenshot. By the way, it is also in the cache of the web page

© Dumb and Dumber

- The Russian Federation wants to recruit another 400,000 contract soldiers into the army, — Radio Liberty.

It is noted that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has already sent documents to the regions ( 32318394.html) indicating the number of people to sign contracts with. Recruitment will start on April 1st.

At the same time, Piskov claims that the Kremlin "does not discuss" 2 wave of mobilization.

- Senators from both parties of the United States require the Pentagon to send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, — Politico.

In their opinion, ( the war is now at a critical stage, and fighters are a significant a game-changing opportunity. The senators have asked Austin to provide them with an assessment of the various factors needed for a successful F-16 transfer by the end of the week.

- The invaders are already preparing for the Ukrainian offensive.

New satellite images ( show that the Katsaps have stepped up the construction of fortifications in the occupied territories of Ukraine. Most – on South. It is noted that they are afraid of a breakthrough of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to Melitopol and to the Sea of Azov.

- BThe Kremlin is discussing the transfer of the capital from Moscow inland, — Danilov.

"Russia is splitting up. If Putin himself starts talking about it, then keep in mind that this is how it will happen. They are already talking about moving the capital deep into Russia, and many other processes are already underway", — said (, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

- Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland will be forced to sell cars for benefits, — 20 minutes.

The publication writes ( that the rule will affect those who spent a year in the country and whose car cost exceeds the amount of payments. Social assistance is then suspended for a certain period of time, depending on how much the sale of the car brings.

- Today Slovakia will consider the transfer of MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine, — TAZ.

Also today, the speaker of the government of Poland stated, -ukrajinu) that soon Ukraine will receive fighter jets from several countries at once.

- In the Bryansk region, deputies propose to force residents to pay for air defense. Expenses are planned to be included in utility bills.

- China wants to drag out the war in Ukraine for a long time, — President of Lithuania.

"It is very hard to believe that China can play the role of an intermediary between the two countries, since China's goal — is to continue this war. Beijing's role in this war is more destructive than constructive", — stated ( Nauseda.

- The occupiers have changed the direction of the offensive and intend to move towards Liman, — Reuters

"This is the second main direction after Bakhmut, which is very interesting for the Katsaps. If they reach the Liman, then further Kramatorsk and Slavyansk. The Liman will be a "pincer" threat, that's why they are trying so hard to fight for this area", — said ( a military man with the call sign "Fog" to a source.

- The Russians came up with a new statistical attack!

It seems that the methods of "struggle" have moved to a new level.

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the very vaunted drone that the Russian Federation boasted about, they say it is invulnerable and invisible to our air defense, — OK North.

The ZALA UAV is designed ( for aerial reconnaissance and surveillance, equipped with a camera and a thermal imaging module. The bird arrived today.

-0 Plus 1040 asvabadites died senselessly in the war in Ukraine and received an eternal stigma. The total number reached 162,560

Officers identified:

▪️ senior lieutenant Igor Frolov;

▪️ senior lieutenant Vladimir Ivanov;

▪️ Lieutenant Ildar Izmailov.

▪️ tank company commander Captain Khokhlov Alexander;

▪️ Scout Lieutenant Egor Lapshin;

- Asvabaditel, who confessed to the murder of Ukrainians and mobbing, was sentenced to 5.5 years for "fakes" about the Russian army

▪️ Khabarovsk garrison court sentenced corporal Daniil Frolkin to 5.5 years probation, although the prosecutor asked for 6 years in real time

▪️ In August 2022, he told -v-kievskoy-oblasti-odin-iz-nih-rasskazal-kak-ubival) to journalists about how the Asvabadites were engaged in looting and killings in the Kyiv region during the occupation

Russian Armed Forces – it is a criminal organization with the same methodsladies of work and mutual responsibility. Spanish shame

- Immediately after the downing of the American drone, the head of the Pentagon called on the allies to speed up the supply of weapons to Ukraine

▪️«Ukraine cannot waste time. Our Contact Group colleagues also understand that we must quickly and fully fulfill our obligations, including the delivery of our armored vehicles to the battlefield, ”said Pentagon Chief Austin

▪️In particular, he said that Norway, together with the United States, will transfer NASAMS anti-aircraft systems to Kyiv

This is about the supply of Patriot systems to Ukraine, the deployment of which in Poland was a reason for Putin to criticize NATO, to hundreds of ultra-modern tanks, air defense systems, and possibly even fighter jets

- The pace of Russian operations in Ukraine has slowed down, the occupiers have two problems – ISW.

Rashists resort ( to several dozen attacks, while before they carried out about a hundred of them daily.

The reasons are large losses from the Russian Federation in personnel and military equipment.

- Women's moans have become a weapon.

Nothing unusual, it's just that Russian media (https://www.ntv ru/novosti/2752431/) has got some manuals on the loose.

- The SBU exposed the intelligence group of the military intelligence of the Russian Federation, which "leaked" enemy position near Bakhmut.

The enemy agents included two residents of Kramatorsk. One of them – nurse of the combat unit of the Terodefense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to the aggressor's instructions, they collected intelligence data on the locations and movement of the Defense Forces in the Bakhmut direction.

- Russian hackers are preparing a new wave of cyber attacks on Ukraine, — Reuters, citing a Microsoft report.

According to ( since January 2023 Russian cyber groups are adjusting their activities in order to collect intelligence information about civilian and military facilities in Ukraine and its partners.

- The court acquitted the "servant of the people" Kamelchuk, accused of not declaring property.

Today, the judges of the VAKS acquitted ( and found not guilty the people's deputy from the Servant of the People faction, Yuriy Kamelchuk, who had previously been charged with the apartment in Kiev worth more than 3.6 million hryvnia.

- There are no plans to turn off the power in Ukraine, but the situation may change, — Energoatom President Kotin.

He added ( that if there is no shelling and damage to the — there will be no more outages, and we have passed the most difficult winter months.

- The battalion commander was demoted after the WP interview.

The battalion commander of the 46th separate airmobile brigade Anatoly "Kupol" was one of the interlocutors ( of the publication " The Washington Post, which, as a result of conversations, wrote that the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the East have lost many experienced fighters, and the inexperience of recruits allegedly reduces optimism and casts doubt on Kiev's readiness for a spring offensive.

- UK officials may ban TikTok due to app ties to China, — British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

TikTok spokesperson expresses disappointment at possible ban ( and noted that such decisions are based on unfounded fears.

Earlier, a ban on the use of TikTok by officials was introduced in the United States.

- The UN did not find evidence of genocide among the crimes of the Russian military in Ukraine, — The Guardian.

The Commission saw ( moldava-energy-minister-race-to-reach-us-drone-wreckage?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-641317588f08b754715ced3e#block-641317588f08b754715ced3e) are only "certain aspects that may raise the question of possible genocide".

- One of the first photos of NASAMS air defense systems deployed in Ukraine.

Already standing on the defense of our sky.

- Cats manipulate people and heal with purrs, — scientists' statement.

Manipulative methods include the use of special meows designed to evoke the right reaction from the owners.

Also, cats have the ability to heal with their sound. Purring vibrations promote bone growth and wound healing.

- During the war in Ukraine, Chinese companies sold rifles and body armor to the Russian Federation, — Politico

During 2022, several Chinese companies, including one that is associated with the country's authorities, sent ( russia/) to Russian enterprises one thousand assault rifles and other equipment, as well as drone parts and body armor.

This is confirmed by the customs and trade data of China.

- North Korea again threatens the world: the country is ready to give an equivalent response to possible threats from the United States and South Korea.

According to weapons/amp/) of the local dictator, these countries are "outright hostile" with the Republic, and Seoul and Washington must come to terms with "the recklessness of large-scale military exercises."

- Cancerous clitina is impossible to defeat the function of the ultimate healthy

- Linguistic meme

- Leleks turned back home

- Soon they will inform on a neighbor for housing. Well, wife to husband there, or vice versa. Mother-in-law, if that, too, can. It's only the beginning

- The family of the enemy of the people — refreshing this term

- The case of not getting up to the anthem of Russia

- Don't leave the room, don't make a mistake. Or at least throw the ball

- On March 16, 2023, the newly mobilized residents of Buryatia went to war. In the administration of "Baze" they answered that “mobilization is ordinary, it did not end — has always been, is and will be, no one has canceled it.

- In connection with the mass delivery of subpoenas throughout Russia, I once again remind you in simple words: what is any subpoena and what is the military registration and enlistment office

- The wiring is presented for the award

- The degree of destruction of Ukrainian cities inThe time of the Russian full-scale invasion according to The Economist. Mariupol took first place

- Alternative reality grew propaganda on the example of the city of Seversk

- Someday (but not sure)

- Bald from VagnerZZ

- The opinion of a lawyer about the new subpoenas that are now being handed out in Russia - they are going to the front..

- "Bahamut" in three days

- The scoop didn't disappear anywhere

- Typical "good Russian"

- Lawyer Pavel Chikov informs

- Russian world

- Stalker 2

And they caused a backlash, Stalker, according to pre-orders in Steam, moved from 319th place to 124th place, because people felt solidarity with the developers and began to actively buy the game

= 13 years old

- The Russian soldier was detained by the police in the western part of Kyiv. The fighting went north, so the guy sat out for almost a year, maybe he even found a job ...

- In the Bryansk region, deputies want to force residents to pay for air defense. Expenses are planned to be implemented in payments for housing and communal services — Ateo Breaking

- Talented family

- Sometimes

- Boys in panties. And without

- Navalny's team launched a merch store

- Believe in yourself, dream big, even if you are just an ordinary hard worker from the Russian outback!

- Trying hard not to anger the Ukrainians

- The results of the night self-shelling of Belgorod

- "The command is given for at least 200 rubles." In the Irkutsk region, fees were introduced from state employees to support the war. An application form was sent to journalists by a teacher from one of the schools in the city of Usolye-Sibirsky. According to her, other state employees also received such forms.

- A moment of nature. Father, what are you?

- This shit is sold on ozon

- For love

- Satisfied children at the BMP

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