The Big Lebowski turns 25 (6 photos)

Category: Movie, Nostalgia, PEGI 16
9 March 2023

In honor of this, Jeff Bridges showed rare photos from the filming.

March 6, 1998 in the United States, the release of the film "Big Lebowski. In honor of the 25th anniversary of the painting, Jeff Bridges, who played the lead role in the comedy, shared with The Hollywood Reporter with memories of filming and some pictures from his personal collections.

According to the actor, before the release of The Big Lebowski, he expected that the film would be a real success. However, in the US, the picture earned only $18 million, and viewers gave her a B on the scale CinemaScore.

I was surprised that the film did not receive wide recognition. People didn't understand him, or something like that.

Jeff Bridges, actor

Bridges said that he was madly in love with the script after the first reading. The actor was surprised at how close to him turned out to be Dude - the main character of the film. Bridges joked that the brothers The Coens, who acted as directors and screenwriters of the picture, probably peeped at him when they worked on the project. The actor looked like Dude even in the choice of clothes. As a result, half of the main character's things Bridges took from his wardrobe.

However, the actor was a little worried that he would have to play "junk". He worried about this because of his children, who then were still teenagers.

My daughters were 15 at the time, and I was worried that I'll set a bad example for them. I'm the son of a celebrity myself, so I know what it's like to be in the place of the child in such a situation.

Jeff Bridges, actor

Many famous actors played in The Big Lebowski, including including John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Sam Elliott, Steve Buscemi, John Turturro, Tara Reid and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Bridges remembered that they were all strictly adhered to the script of the Coen brothers, although the audience could it seems that in such a comedy film there should have been a lot of improvisation.

I remember how John and I worried about where our the characters pronounce each word "man" and "fuck". It had its own atmosphere, and we wanted to make sure we fit into it perfectly.

Jeff Bridges, actor

At the end of the conversation, Bridges said he was incredibly happy. to starring in The Big Lebowski and how real he is turned out to be his character.

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