A man with a leg injury crawled to the doctor on all fours

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
7 March 2023
The patient's wife claims that the medical facility refused to give them a wheelchair.

A man with a leg injury was forced to crawl to the doctor because they refused to give him a wheelchair. Doctors, according to the patient's wife, advised him to take a turn - there were allegedly no free wheelchairs.
After the refusal, the man decided to get to the doctor himself. And since the wife was unable to drag her husband, he put on mittens, put his shoes under his knees and climbed the stairs as best he could.

The regional Ministry of Health said that they would appoint an internal check and assured journalists that the emergency room was equipped with a ramp and special mechanical means for transporting patients, including wheelchairs, which "are provided to accompanying persons upon request," RIAN quotes.

The hospital said that the man behaved inappropriately - he was provided with a wheelchair when an ambulance arrived, but he refused it and decided to get to the emergency room in his car. And the patient was transported to the car just on it. Also in the emergency room, they said that the patient applied for a wheelchair when he was already in the emergency room and it was immediately provided.

For the sake of completeness, let's add that the "inadequacy" declared in the hospital can be interpreted in different ways. But journalists emphasize that the patient did not rage and was sober.
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