russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for February 28

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
1 March 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- At the end of February "Special military operation" against Ukraine remains the main problem facing Russian society (45%). At the same time, the percentage of respondents who are concerned about the problem of low wages and pensions has significantly increased (from 25% in December to 32% in February) and do not keep pace with rising prices. It can be assumed that the successive sanctions measures taken by Ukraine's allies are having an increasing impact on the socio-economic situation in Russia.

- Sailed: in the Crimea they are already looking for where to change rubles for hryvnias

▪️Such sentiments began to grow sharply and local residents are looking for the Ukrainian hryvnia, so that in the future they would have something to pay. First, Putin starts a war, he is sure that he will capture Kyiv in 3 days, he gets it in the teeth, the Russian Armed Forces dig in the Crimea and prepare for an offensive, the locals are looking for the hryvnia ...

What happened next?

- Putin gave Kabaeva the largest apartment in Russia

Visually demonstrate: on the left — Kabaeva's palace, on the right — typical communal Russians ...

▪️The area of Kabaeva's apartment in Sochi is 2600 sq. meters. It was paid from Putin's "purse" — Cyprus offshore Ermira. Two apartments adjacent to the penthouse belong to Kabaeva's grandmother.

▪️The interior is even more shocking: gilded chairs, a gilded chandelier, which is made so that visitors can pluck pieces of gold leaf from it.

▪️But Kabaeva does not live in Sochi, but next to Putin, in Valdai. Near his "golden palace" Putin built a wooden tower with an area of 1200 square meters. meters for his mistress and their common children.

How do you, Russians, live normally in the murdered communal apartments and huts? By the way, Putin's palaces are built on your hard-earned money! And you, mobs without equipment, how do you like it? Fine?

- The Russians increase pressure on the front lines in the Luhansk region, — ISW.

Occupiers have intensified hostilities in the Svatovsky, Kremensky and Belogorovsky directions in recent weeks and are concentrating equipment and reserves in the occupied Luhansk region. Analysts ( note that the Russians are slowing down their advance near Vuhledar.

- Lukashenka is flying to China to meet with Xi Jinping.

The visit will take three days — from February 28 to March 2. It is reported that joint large-scale projects and "responding to the most 'acute' international problems" will be discussed.

- In St. Petersburg, the plan "Carpet" was introduced; due to an unknown object in the air.

In the official group of the government of St. Petersburg, a message appeared that Pulkovo Airport temporarily does not receive or send aircraft, flights are delayed up to 12 hours.

- In the spring there will be a more global offensive of the Russian Federation, — Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security.

"In the spring we will see more large-scale offensives with the use of more weapons and equipment. The enemy is counting on the spring campaign in order to deploy more in the Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions. There will also be strikes in the Sumy or Kharkiv regions", — said Roman Kostenko.

- The police liquidated the largest drug cartel in Ukraine

Law enforcement officers documented the crimes of the gang during the year - the network of the drug cartel consisted of three criminal organizations and six organized groups. Their sales market covered almost all regions of Ukraine.

Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, precursors, 310 thousand US dollars, 103 thousand euros and more than 500 thousand hryvnias, weapons, cartridges and other confiscated.

Now there are no large chains left in Ukraine, only lone hucksters.

- Instead of providing warriors, propaganda teams will be formed in Russia, which should be engaged in "raising the fighting spirit".

"The artists themselves asked to be given an opportunity to help the common cause with their talent. The propaganda team will include performers from different regions. This is incredibly touching", — said the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Lyubimova.

- The first photos from the crash site of the UJ-22 Airborne UAV near the Gazprom facility in the Moscow region.

Its maximum flight range is 800 kilometers. A maximum of such a machine can lift about 20 kilograms of explosives. These are 30 F1 grenades or 4 shots from RPG-7.

- Funded the testing of enemy missiles: the SBU seized the assets of Russian businessman Serdyuk.

The decision of the court concerns 6 companies producing and researching drilling equipment, as well as the manufacture of agricultural products in the Kyiv and Sumy regions. The businessman directed part of the income received to finance scientific and test sites in Russia. The total value of the seized assets is UAH 60 million.

- The war in Ukraine will last at least until the end of 2023, — Latvian Security Service.

➡️ Both sides will seize the opportunity to attack if it arises.

➡️ Russia has not changed its strategic goals. The Kremlin is considering resuming its offensive against Kyiv.

➡️ The sides lack weapons and ammunition. The most important factor that will affect the further development of the war, — the ability to produce ammo faster.

➡️ Russia will continue to spread nuclear threats, but the risk of Russia using nuclear weapons is low.

- Ukraine's allies cannot hand over the promised number of Leopard 2s, — The New York Times.

Some countries have found that the tanks in their arsenal are not actually working ( or have no spare parts. The publication writes that despite the fact that there are about 2,000 Leopard tanks of 2 different models in Europe, Ukraine still lacks hundreds of vehicles.

- The Pentagon reported that they were receiving complaints about the misuse of military aid to Ukraine.

"Washington receives reports of misuse of military aid to Kyiv. We receive all kinds of accusations and continue to evaluate them", — US Department of Defense Inspector General Storch said.

For his part, Deputy Minister of Defense Kahl noted that Washington recognizes the problem of corruption in Ukraine, but believes that the supplied weapons are used for their intended purpose.

- Sending F-16s would not be a wise use of the resources Ukraine needs to win, — Democratic congressman.

"In the best case, we will be able to deliver several F-16s to Ukraine within a year, or maybe 8 months, if we work hard", — said ( Adam Smith.

- Carefully, mobs are returning from the front and creating havoc

▪️Printout of a Russian ambulance call: "thinks he is still in the war and wants to cut off someone's head"


- If the machine gun is haunted for a long time. And yes, he is unlikely to shoot later.

- And once again about tanks

- Russian soldier sent to denazify Ukraine says he did not know the meaning of the tattoo on his back

- Thirteenth, wipe your snot

▪️Nedovoenkor is again trying to justify the heavy losses of the RF Armed Forces and their maximum failures at the front.

When is he already drooling and wishing evil on Ukrainians? I went to war — be kind, keep the snot to yourself ...

- The drone flew to the military airfield in Yeysk

PEVEO where are you? Everything is fine?

- How do Russians cheat their subscribers?

Today, information has spread through propaganda publics that Elon Musk is happy that the Russian troops have almost (!) Encircled Bakhmut. Here are all the screenshots and reliable information:

▪️On the first screenshot — shameful fake from the propaganda public "Pridnestrovets"

▪️On the second — real screen with the post and the answer Mask

▪️On the third — tweet (about the Pod 3 mattress cover) where Musk replies “It’s good.” And this, of course, is a completely different post, the answer to which was stolen by propagandists!

The losers just cut Musk's answer from another tweet and substituted it for a tweet about Bakhmut. Thus, a fake was created.

Repost this post — let everyone know how they create fakes! Curl up, shameful fake-gunners

- #losses of invaders as of 02/28/2022

🔻+550 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

▪️Senior Lieutenant – Alexander Korovin

▪️Lieutenant Colonel – Igor Shcherbak

▪️Senior Lieutenant – Stanislav Gorchitsky

- Explosions at the airfield in Yeysk, Krasnodar Territory.

The day in Russia turned out to be successful today.

- Heading «evening howl in the swamps».

"What are we waiting for? Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, now Yeysk". Indeed, what to expect if you have already waited.

- Russia needs an operational pause in the war against Ukraine, — Italian intelligence.

➡️ The Russian Federation can use the pause in the conduct of hostilities in order to prepare for the conduct of a long war.

➡️ Despite Russia's significant production capacity, the country is beginning to feel the impact of sanctions.

➡️ In the Russian Federation, support for the war begins to decline.

➡️ The possibility of Russia's use of nuclear weapons remains unlikely.

- Putin earns millions selling Putinka vodka, — Russian opposition publication "Proekt".

This brand was invented in 2002. Later, the founder of the company had to share a share with Putin and his comrade Rotenberg in order to obtain permission toand the use of his name.

Production, royalty and sale of "Putinka" from 2004 to 2019 could bring up to $500 million.

- Bakhmut. As long as we are warm in offices, such as they protect us.

- In Bulgaria, to introduce the production of 122-mm soviet artillery shells. The plant is a virobnik of beginnings in 1988, if the "cold war" is over.

- what happened?

- bavovna

- — Let's bomb Ukraine! — Let's. What if it comes back? — What are we for?

- Adibas are back in fashion

- Subtotals from mappers

- Smells like anxiety

- As they say: little, but nice. Every month I see more and more of these headlines.

- looped, bewitched

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