The wife of the hockey player Severstal knocked down a grandfather with a child at the crossing

28 February 2023

They say that this is not the first accident due to the fault of Yana Vovchenko.

In Cherepovets, an accident occurred on Batyushkov Street. Porsche Macan hit a grandfather with a child crossing the road. The girl got hit harder: from the blow, she flew off to the side of the road. It is noteworthy that another car stopped to let pedestrians through, but not the Porsche, which was moving to the left.

The car was driven by 28-year-old Yana Vovchenko, the wife of the forward of the Cherepovets hockey club Severstal Daniil Vovchenko. To her credit, she did not escape from the scene of the accident, stopped and ran up to the downed child.

According to media reports, the fifth-grader was hospitalized and during the examination at the clinic, bruises of the head and limbs were diagnosed. Her condition was not life-threatening and the child was released for home treatment. But the girl's grandfather was not injured and refused medical assistance.

Now law enforcement officers are investigating the details of the accident, in particular, the condition of the woman driving the Porsche and other details. However, Internet users are confident that Vovchenko, who knocked down pedestrians, will get off easy.

The media report that Yana Vovchenko knocks down pedestrians is not the first time, but this information has not been confirmed.

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1 March 2023
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