“My soul hurts for our city”: in Krasnoyarsk, the girl undressed and walked along the street

28 February 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

This "performance" is dedicated to the problem of air pollution.

Residents of Krasnoyarsk today observed an unusual picture: a frost-resistant lady in underwear, smeared with mud, was walking down the street. When she got tired of walking, the girl wrapped herself in cellophane.

As it turned out later, it was the idea of the photographer Nadezhda Utochkina, who is worried about the dirty air in her hometown.

“The idea came about after I looked out the window and saw nothing. Every time I went outside, I smelled burning, and a layer of dust formed on the car (clean!) in a couple of hours. This is a sore subject for all Krasnoyarsk residents. People hope that with the help of publicity, the video will reach the administration and take some measures. My soul hurts for our city, I love it and I'm not going to move."

The administration of Krasnoyarsk has not commented on this yet.

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