Star duet, whose fame dissipated after its collapse (17 photos + 1 video)

23 February 2023

Choreography is a mesmerizing performance art. At least because owning one's own body is so masterly that even easy movement turned into a fluid, smooth, careless very difficult.

But this pair, which is called legendary, succeeded. IN In the 1930s, the musical genre developed and reached its peak. It's understandable: people the last coins were given away to admire on the screen a miracle, delight optimistic grace and lightness, which were so lacking in the years Great Depression.

Fred Astaire

Costumes, scenery, all this gloss and chic seemed to say: America is a great country, it can survive anything and rise up.

With the departure of Ginger and Fred from the scene, the golden age ended genre. And although many brilliant couples tried to revive it, success did not managed to repeat.

Ginger Rogers

The vast majority of viewers considered them spouses. Between how Fred was a model family man, and his beautiful, but frivolous partner changed lovers like gloves.

Fred Astaire was amazingly flexible and equally cool coped with the presentation of both classical and jazz and ballroom numbers.

He was born at the end of the century, in 1899 in Omaha, and from childhood was fond of dancing. When he grew up a little, he began to perform in tandem with sister Adele. The couple gained popularity, conquered Broadway. But after Adele got married and left the stage.

After a 10-year career, quite successful, Fred, who was already over 30, heard with horror at the castings that he was a little knows how to dance, but in terms of artistry, a complete zero. The man took himself into hands and tried himself in the cinema. The first project was received coldly. A the second - "Flight to Rio" made him a star.

At the same time, Virginia Catherine appeared in his life. McMath, who the whole world knows under the pseudonym Ginger Rogers. She was born in 1911 in Missouri. And the pseudonym appeared with a light hand little sister who couldn't pronounce a long, complicated name older sister. To Ginger, the girl added the name of her stepfather.

Young, bright, lively, graceful, plastic - she seemed Freda the perfect partner. And gladly agreed to cooperate. A subsequently played in the life of Fred and other very important roles.

At the dawn of joint work, the girl looked very bright, even defiantly. Fred helped get rid of this vulgarity of the image by making its more refined and refined. At the same time, he also worked in technique and delivery.

And they began to dance. The dance lasted five years, and like five minutes. They were awarded the unspoken title of the best dance duo America. Constantly invited to act.

"Happy Divorce"

In total, Fred and Ginger starred in 9 films of the musical genre, the most notable among which were "Merry Divorce", "Cylinder", "Carefree", "Let's dance."

Naturally, the reverse side of fame and fame is gossip. Everyone talked about the dancers. Evil tongues claimed that the relationship As a couple, it's worse than ever. And Rogers can't forgive his partner for being more skillful in technique and artistry. The girl responded to these gossip with laughter. Although Fred drilled her like a rookie soldier, forcing her to repeat movements over and over until they were flawless.

Ginger worked hard, because Fred was not for her only a partner, but also a mentor, teacher, idol. Naturally, only the lazy one did not talk about their intimate relationship. The couple did not confirm, but and did not refute this, only letting in more fog. Although at the moment the beginning of cooperation, the man wasmarried, and the girl began an affair with renowned director Mervyn Le Roy.

But even with the naked eye it was clear that something between they clearly were. This was confirmed even by incredibly stormy and temperamental clarification of relations in public. Although ... Who will understand them, these are artists.

"Kitty Foyle"

The duo broke up in 1939. A year later, the actress was awarded Oscar for her role in Kitty Foyle. It's been a long ten years before the pair played in yet another - their tenth joint project - comedy The Barkley Family of Broadway.

Fred continued to dance. He lived by dancing, and about two of his wives, as well as relationships with women, in principle, almost nothing known.

Jinj turned the heads of the men. Only official She had five spouses. And all are not the last Hollywood characters. But after the break with Astaire, the actress's career stalled, and then completely faded away smoothly. Films where she starred already without Fred, the public met without interest. The last years of her career, she no longer starred, worked on television.

Jinj passed away in 1995 due to problems with heart. She outlived her idol and ideal partner, who made her famous their creative tandem, for 8 years.

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