14 Photos Of The Forgotten Nubian Pyramids That Are Not Told In The History Books (15 Photos)

23 February 2023

There are more pyramids in Sudan than in Egypt.

In Sudan, there are about twice as many pyramids, however, they are not written about in the history books. Perhaps the reason is their smaller or that they are younger than the Egyptian ones. pyramids today in the middle of the desert - this is the main attraction of Sudan, but they know not everything about her.

The pyramids were built for the rulers of the kingdom of Kush, which was located in these territories.

The territory was called Nubia, and the pyramids began to be called Nubian

The kingdom was located on the banks of the Nile and flourished for nine centuries

Nubia was located between the modern city of Khartoum (the capital of Sudan) and the Egyptian city of Aswan.

The kingdom of Kush existed from about 800 BC. BC e. before the 4th century AD

Its capital was the city of Meroe, of which today only ruins and a collection of pyramids remain.

The rulers of the Meroitic kingdom, apparently, were fascinated by the traditions of the ancient Egyptians.

They were inspired by the example and also began to bury their rulers in the pyramids

True, the pyramids in Meroe are later: they began to be built, when the Egyptian pharaohs were no longer buried in such tombs.

The Nubian pyramids have sharper angles, and they themselves are smaller: from 6 to 20 meters in height

One of the tallest pyramids belongs to Queen Shanakdahet

Inside, it is decorated with decorative elements from Greek, Roman and Egyptian cultures.

Like the Egyptian kings, the Kush rulers were mummified and buried with personal belongings and jewelry.

True, all the Nubian pyramids were plundered by a few more centuries ago. Treasure hunters left only things that were not were of value to them: furniture, ceramics, colored glass, bows and arrows, horse teams, vessels. For archaeologists, such finds were invaluable: scientists were able to understand that the inhabitants of Meroe conducted an extensive trade not only with neighboring Egypt, but also with the Hellenistic world.

To date, 255 pyramids have survived in Sudan: this is twice as many as in Egypt.

In addition, they are all built in a small area.

Today it is the largest concentration of pyramids ever built.

However, very little is known about this historical monument, and tourists in Sudan are very rare.

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