Dancing pilot with a fee of 100 dollars: 15 facts about John Travolta (16 photos)

23 February 2023

John Travolta - actor, dancer, singer and writer, celebrated his 69th birthday on February 18!

John Travolta's first role was without a line

John Joseph Travolta was born on February 18, 1954 in the town of Englewood, New York. His Italian father was professionally played football, and my Irish mother was a singer and taught courses acting skills.

Despite a turbulent sports past and not very romantic present - to feed his family, Travolta Sr. opened a store auto parts, - parents did everything so that the younger generation interested in theater. Home performances have become a family tradition, for which the father personally knocked together a kind of scaffolding. Such a tactic worked: three of the six children became actors.

“I had a happy childhood. I adored my mother and their sisters who made money acting and music - and did it joyfully, without hysteria and stress. I looked at them and realized that it was possible Do what you love and don't go hungry. If not for them, I would never achieve anything."

As for his own acting career, she began rather banally: the first time John went on stage in a school performance.

“All that was required of me was just to pass across the stage. I passed, but my parents were terribly delighted. "When you appeared,” my father told me later, “everyone immediately looked at your side, forgetting about the other actors. And you noticed it, all shone and very went backstage beautifully.” That was my first role."

For his first acting job, John received only $100.

The fact that he does not want to wipe his pants at the desk, John understood quite early, so already in high school he began to actively break through to scene. And since the guy was seriously engaged in dancing, then work for him really found: 16-year-old teenager was taken to the musical Bye Bye Birdie and even gave him a fee. The amount, however, was ridiculous: in three months, Travolta received only $100.

By the way, he never pursued large fees. Even in "Pulp Fiction" John agreed to act in film for a symbolic 150 thousand dollars - a meager pay for an actor of his level. True, after the release of the film, the rates jumped sharply - and for one project Travolta could already receive up to $20 million.

Dancing became a pass to the world of big cinema for John Travolta

John jokes that he started dancing before he could walk. IN Worst case, at the same time. But he was brought to the dance class at the age of six - Travolta immediately took the position of student leader. A little later he fell in love with tap dance and began to study with a star tap dance teacher, brother famous dancer Gene Kelly.

Therefore, it is not surprising that his career John started with musicals, both theater and film. The breakthrough for him was "Saturday Night Fever" (1977) with many dance routines. True, while honing them, Travolta practically did not leave for nine months. dance class.

And here is the very first dance that you see in "Fever" - this is John's improvisation. The choreographer of the film was suddenly carried away by the bitter and didn't show up for a few days. Therefore, the actor offered his version of the dance - and director John Badham was quite satisfied with it.

Travolta has a huge list of films in which he refused to appear

After Saturday Night Fever and Grease (1978) Travolta began to fill up with offers. There were even scenarios that written especially for him. However, John suddenly began to become stubborn and the most potentially strong projects flatly refused.

He demonstrated these miracles of intuition all his life - according to For this reason, there is no other actor in Hollywood who would refuse so many stars. In his failed filmography "American Gigalo", "Pretty Woman", "An Officer and a Gentleman", "Days of Harvest", "Chicago" (all roles went to Richard Gere), "Saving Private Ryan", where Travolta was "swapped" by Tom Hanks, and so on.

“I don’t know who I would become if I agreed to those projects that have so stubbornly been abandoned. But at least I'm happy because you can always choose. Myself".

Travolta was sure that "Pulp Fiction" would not be successful

But the actor did not shy away from working with Quentin Tarantino. True, initially no one called him to Pulp Fiction.

The project was supposed to star Michael Madsen, who played bandit Vic Vega in Reservoir Dogs. This character should to appear in Tarantino's new film. However, Madsen at the last minute refused: Kevin Costner decided to shoot him in one of his westerns. Therefore, the director had to urgently change the script and invite the role of Travolta, whose career by that time was barely flickered. John agreed, but did not expect anything special from this work.

“None of us even thought that “Criminal reading matter” will shoot. I was sure I was doing a little indie film which will have a tiny audience and zero resonance. So triumph The Cannes Film Festival shocked me. And of course I'm immensely grateful Quentin, who gave me a second wind and a new life. This is the most a great gift that an artist can give to an artist.”

Travolta had an affair with an actress 18 years older than him

Her name was Diana Hyland, they met in early 1976 years on the set of Randal Kleiser's TV movie Under the Hood. According to the plot Dinah was the mother of the protagonist played by Travolta, but "kindred" relationships of the characters and a solid age difference are not ruined their romance.

For this work, Hyland received an Emmy for Best Actress. supporting role in a movie or miniseries. True, he received an award for it John, since the actress herself was no longer alive: in the spring of 1977, she died of breast cancer. Travolta was with her until the very end.

Travolta was married to George Clooney's ex-girlfriend

After the death of Diana, Travolta could not recover for a long time, and his next serious relationship began only after 14 years. On samples of the comedy "Experts" he met with actress Kelly Preston, who once dated George Clooney. Indeed, during their The first time she met, she was already married.

“I was 33 at the time and had no idea what such a marriage. So when my girlfriend told me now introduce me to my future wife, I laughed. When did I know that the potential “wife” has been married for a long time, it became even funnier. That's why I don't restrained himself and asked: “Kelly, what does it mean to live in a marriage?”. And she answered: "Oh, it's very cool, I like it!". I was taken aback: nothing nobody told me like that. And I thought: “This is probably cool: marry someone who enjoys being married.” Since this all started".

In September 1991, Kelly and John got married. Were born in marriage three children: Jett, Ella Blue and Benjamin. Unfortunately, summer 2020 Kelly Preston passed away: by some evil irony, she was also found to have breast cancer.

John Travolta is a loyal fan of Scientology

John became acquainted with Scientology at the very beginning of his career, in 1975 on the set of the movie Hell Rain. The actor was presented book by L. Ron Hubbard, and he became seriously interested in this teaching.

Since that time, Travolta, who was raised in a Catholic traditions, began to live according to the laws of teaching. For example, his wedding with Kelly conducted by Scientologist priests. And in 2000, John released the film "Battlefield: Earth", based on the novel by the same Hubbard. idea turned out to be, to put it mildly, a failure: the project was so weak that with crashed at the box office, and a little later became the leader in the number nominations for Golden Raspberry.

As a result, Travolta had to put up with both financial and image loss. The actor invested at least 5 million in this opus dollars, besides, after the premiere it turned out that the film studio had deceived her investors and stole most of the money allocated for the shoot. Because of this, the courts began, which finally ruined the production, and Travolta was again recorded as an outsider actor.

The actor was accused of sexual harassment

In 2012, John Travolta was at the center of a scandal: a male massage therapist, who wished to remain anonymous, accused him of beating and harassment. A little later he was joined by another a masseur who claimed that John molested him. However, the actor's lawyers one voice assures that there was nothing like it.

Moreover, Travolta at the time of the alleged crime was not even in the state indicated by the applicants - and this easy to prove. Be that as it may, the case did not reach the court: men withdrew their claims from the police.

However, after a couplein years the yellow press began to rinse again Travolta's name on their pages: former pilot actor Douglas Gotterboy stated that he had been intimate with John for six years and they were not always voluntary. Comment on these "confessions" the actor refuses.

John Travolta has his own airfield

One of the main childhood loves of John Travolta is the sky and airplanes.

“I fell ill with the sky when I was only five years old: began to collect flight schedules, and trembled when he took them in his hands. True, at the age of eight, my sister put me on a tiny plane, flying to Philadelphia, and I was in the air for almost 20 eerie minutes. After that, I thought for a long time that it was much more comfortable to collect pamphlets, and don't fly alone. Fortunately, after a few years, this fear passed.

In 1974, with his first big paycheck, Travolta bought plane for 2.5 thousand dollars. Now he has five of them, including four-engine Boeing-707-138, on which the actor flew to pilot's seat. And John has his own mini Greystone Airport, whose taxiway begins at the door of his house.

In the early 90s, Travolta almost crashed

Travolta received his pilot's license back in the 70s, and from that time flew several thousand hours. However, it is not always took to the skies solely for his pleasure. For example, in 2010, after the earthquake in Haiti, he personally delivered to the victim district food and medicines by loading them into your own Boeing.

However, in 1992, the actor almost crashed. During the flight his plane was struck by lightning, so the landing was in a freelance mode. In addition, the actor almost crashed into another airliner. And in 1993 he I had to sit down with the electric lights not working, which was also quite dangerous, especially on a frosty winter night.

Travolta danced with Princess Diana

In 1985, representatives of the British monarchy came to the United States on an official visit. President Ronald Reagan honored them in White Home. John Travolta was also invited to the official celebration - on a personal note. Princess Diana's request.

“I could not even imagine that they would ask me dance with her, but I was asked. So much so that the refusal was in principle is impossible, although I was not going to refuse. True, the most it was difficult to invite her to the dance. It was like a dream. I approached, touched her elbow, she smiled in response and accepted my invitation. And then I had to lead her in the dance and make it so to make it easy and fun for both of us. I am still happy that I have it worked out."

John Travolta wants to make a film based on his own book

Travolta does not position himself as a great writer, but he has several books. These are instruction books for those who want keep yourself in good physical shape, several opuses related to Scientology, and a fairy tale for adults and kids, in which the actor confesses her love for him and the planes. Travolta wrote it back in 90s.

This tiny book has received rave reviews. review in The New York Times, which I am very proud of. And she had circulation cool - more than a hundred thousand copies. And I somehow crossed paths with Steven Spielberg, and he said that he read my fairy tale before going to bed the kids, and they absolutely loved it. So I would really like to shoot her movie. For the sake of this, I’m even ready to become a director myself.”

Family is an important part of John Travolta's life

In 2009, the Travolta family faced a terrible disaster: 2 January, his eldest son, Jett, had an epileptic seizure due to causing him to fall and hit his head on the edge of the tub. 16 year old teenager died. Psychologists and younger children helped parents survive this nightmare. IN In the end, John and Kelly managed to save the marriage.

“I could have been a director or a cool guy a long time ago producer. But it would steal the time I spend with my family. I wanted to have children from the age of fourteen, and now it is important for me that I myself I put them to sleep. By the way, they know very well that I adore them. pamper. For example, if Ben wants ice cream at night, he knows that it is useless to wake up mother: she will send him back to bed. Therefore he wakes me up. And I not only bring him a treat, but also pour hot water on him. chocolate - already on their own initiative. Kelly would be horrified!

Travolta doesn't read reviewsfor your films

Travolta has long ceased to pay attention to criticism and secular gossip about his person.

“I know that there are many actors who read absolutely everything that is written about them. And that makes them unhappy. I, on the contrary, he learned to keep a respectful distance from secular magazines, and from highbrow film critics. They have nothing that I may I help. Rather, on the contrary. That's why I don't want to let into my life something that can destroy it."

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