The moral dilemma of the Reseda crew (6 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
14 February 2023

In Britain at the end of the 19th century, a lawsuit took place that set a precedent in the common law. It's good that the cases due to which may this precedent occur, very, very rare.

We are talking about the case of the crew of the Reseda, a yacht that was wrecked in 1884.

Such cases are called "survival cannibalism." Row researchers wrote that from 1820 to 1900 the British Navy had at least 15 cases in which seafarers chose by drawing lots who sacrifice himself for the sake of others. All this was romantically called "custom sea" and was even sung in ballads.

10 years before the Reseda crash, Britain could already have received precedent for cannibalism at sea. In 1874, the Euxine was wrecked. in the South Atlantic. In one of the boats was the second mate and communication with her was lost at one point. They were picked up after a few weeks and the assistant said that they had to resort to casting lots. Whether it was a coincidence or not, the most weak. The case began to be considered, and then imperceptibly hushed up.

Australian lawyer John Want bought a yacht in 1883 "Reseda" and wanted to explore the Great Barrier Reef on it. And in She came to Australia on her own, although she was not intended for such long journeys. But Want managed to persuade Captain Tom Dudley, so that he and three other people (assistant Edward Stevens, cabin boy Richard Parker and sailor Edmund Brooks) ventured to sea on a yacht.

The team did not approach close to the shore, fearing pirates. AND when they passed away from the coast of Africa, the yacht was covered a single wave of enormous strength - "Reseda" went under water in three minutes. The crew managed to launch the boat into the water, but they did not have any supplies, except for a couple of cans of canned food. There wasn't even water. Like the hopes for salvation, because the nearest coast was more than a thousand kilometers away.

Reseda survivors on the front page of The Illustrated London News

For 16 days sailors ate canned turnips and turtles, which they managed to catch. The hungry and tired team decided to resort to "custom of the sea". The lot was not even thrown - a very young Parker was so exhausted, that it was clear to everyone that he had very little time left. From unbearable thirst, the boy even drank sea water, which, as everyone knows, absolutely cannot be done. The team argued for a long time, but the fate of the boy was eventually resolved. And five days later, the sailors were picked up by a German ship, which delivered them to the port of Falmouth (England).

There is no article in English law for cannibalism, so the crew of the yacht were charged with premeditated murder. Case was difficult: he knew about everything that happened in the boat after the crash only the crew, which did not hide anything. The people supported the sailors and even cabin boy's brother said he understood the crew had no choice. However, Home Secretary William Harcourt argued that sailors it is necessary to judge and this terrible "custom of the sea" should be done away with long ago. The accused in court were only the captain and assistant, and sailor Brooks passed as a witness (in exchange for his testimony, he was released from responsibility).

Captain Dudley tried to take all the blame:

I prayed earnestly that the Almighty would forgive us for such an act. It was my decision, but it was justified by extreme necessity. As a result, I lost only one team member otherwise would have died All.

Captain Dudley

The court is faced with a dilemma. That yoongi's murder was the only way to save the lives of others - that was obvious. But because it's murder. Solomon's solution was found: the jury designated his position in relation to the case, but the decision on guilt / innocence the crew was behind the judge.

The case was referred to the High Court of King's Bench. The conclusion was made like this: Dudley and Stevens are guilty of premeditated murder and, it became be sentenced to hanging. However, the court requested pardon. The sentence was commuted to six months in prison, which the captain and assistant by this point had already spent in prison.

Apparently, the defendants were honest and good people, and the main punishment for them was life with the knowledge that they had eatenhis comrade. Yes, to survive. But could they live after that? normal life? History is silent.

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