A mother is not as scary as children draw her: 19 funny portraits of mothers (18 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
14 February 2023

I recommend to get more air into the lungs, because ahead of you waiting for a coolness that will definitely make you laugh properly.

Truth speaks through the mouth of a child, says a well-known saying. AND we fully agree with her. But what would happen if the truth was revealed even in children's drawings? To imagine such a funny and even a little scary. We have collected incredible cool portraits in which children from with a pure heart portrayed their beautiful mothers in honor of any holiday or just because. They did what they could. Or is it more correct to say - got up? In any case, they turned out masterpieces worthy of an exhibition. contemporary art.

The child perfectly portrayed my long nose

Gorgeous Mother's Day Portrait

No, I don’t have such a nose, of course, but what can you do, he is an artist, he sees it that way

It's me. sleep mask on forehead

Something like this…

I'm beautiful!

Drawing by son, 7 years old

My daughter is 8. Her artistic talent comes from me, yes. I'll draw the same, maximum

Mom seems to have recently returned from vacation. Just look at the amazing tan

I'm in the middle

My child took this portrait over 10 years ago. I still look the same

Daughter painted a portrait of her mother, but it turned out Igor Nikolaev

blushed a little

The second grade drew their mothers, very cute and creepy

And I'm so beautiful! In red and with a chic hairstyle!

And this is me with a break of 2 years

Children's creativity at the daughter's kindergarten. You definitely haven't seen this before.

There are some talents, by the way. Cubism saw abstractionism, postmodernism, primitivism. On every second picture - strokes of genius.

Our memes.

Have your children ever presented you with such funny portraits? If you have such treasures - be sure to share them in comments on the post.

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