10 most famous "living dolls" (9 photos)

Category: PEGI 16, Fashion
7 February 2023

Barbie and Ken dolls are idols for many children. And when these children become adults, then some of them decide at any cost - be it plastic surgery or exhausting workouts or both at the same time - to become like their childhood idols.

Today I want to talk about such people who went to great lengths in order to become real dolls.

Angelica Kenova

Angelica Kenova considers herself a real Barbie. This 27 year old models are not only the appearance and figure of the Barbie doll, but also the way of life. Her, like a weak-willed doll, everything is controlled by her parents, who do not even let her go on a date. To keep fit, Angelica sits on strict diet and goes in for sports with a personal trainer 2-3 hours a day day, 5 times a week. She can’t miss training, for this it’s very strictly follow.

Alina Kovalevskaya

Alina has a puppet appearance - big eyes, small nose and long blond hair. The girl claims that she has never had plastic surgery. True, she admits that her chest is not real. But, according to the Ukrainian beauty, she has a thin waist. achieved through diet and exercise. Although, to be honest, many not believing.

Anastasia Reskos and Quentin Dehar

Sometimes two people meet and it seems like it's fate brought them together. That's what happened with this couple. Anastasia and Quentin We met at a party in 2013. It turned out that they were both from childhood adore Barbie, so the couple decided to undergo a series of operations in order to become like this doll. They underwent 15 operations for two, costing 150 thousand dollars. True, the bulk of this amount was paid by them parents. Anastasia and Quentin want to continue their transformations into dolls and dream of spending the rest of their lives together.

Lolita Ritchie

Lolita Richie was in the spotlight when she was only 16 years old. Thanks to their doll-like features and unrealistic proportions, this Russian beauty looks like a real Barbie. Young woman declares that she never lay down under a surgeon's scalpel to become similar to this famous doll. Lolita believes that her puppet appearance, it is primarily due to contact lenses. It is they make her look as empty as a doll's. But it's hard to believe that Lolita's 50 cm waist and size 6 breasts are natural. Too they look perfect.

Rodrigo Alves

It took Rodrigo Alves 10 years to become a real Ken. A man who works as a flight attendant and lives in Sao Paulo, went through 42 plastic surgeries to look like the doll's husband Barbie. It took him 400 thousand dollars. It has all kinds of operations, from injection of fillers into the arms, implantation of breast implants and installation belly implants before leg liposuction.

Justin Jedlica

Justin had his first plastic surgery at the age of 18. WITH Since then, he has had 149 operations, which cost him 170,000 rubles. dollars. Justin had a 4-step surgery to change shape of the back, 5 operations on the nose and performed an operation to remove the veins from forehead. Plus, this plastic surgery junkie got raised superciliary bones, inserted implants in the shoulders and changed the shape of the lips, cheeks and chin. But the young man does not want to stop there, he dreams of having every inch of his body undergo a surgical change. And all for the sake of looking like a real Ken.

Nannett Hammond

Nannett is a housewife and mother of five children. She spent half a million dollars to become a replica of Barbie. woman endured 3 breast augmentation surgery and now she boasts imposing bust. Add to that porcelain teeth, lip fillers, eyelash extensions, semi-permanent makeup and daily visit solarium, and you will understand how much effort she spent to change her appearance. Nannett has been obsessed with a Barbie doll since she was young, she keeps collection of 50 of these dolls. A woman plans to continue to change herselfI'm with with the help of surgeons, and she does not intend to stop until she turns 70 years old.

Amber Kohuku Chan

Amber Kohuku Chan decided to become a real Barbie when she found herself in a very difficult situation. The girl suffers from muscular dystrophy, a disease due to which her muscles become more and more weaker. Because of this, Ember cannot move on her own. One day the girl realized that her illness had turned her into a doll, so Amber began to apply special makeup that turns her into Barbie. She says a new hobby helps her deal with depression.

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