30 wild culinary masterpieces that you won’t look at without tears (31 photos)

Category: Food, Fun, PEGI 0+
7 February 2023

Gourmets love to step outside their comfort zone and constantly try something new and different. For them, it is a way to broaden their horizons and to discover combinations of flavors that they never thought of before could. And for someone ... for someone it's just a reason to pervert over own stomach. Take a look at what these unfortunate culinary specialists have prepared, but Keep in mind that these photos will beat off your appetite for a long time!

1. Coffee ice cream with an espresso shot in a donut cone

2. French fries

3. Honestly looks divine

4 Plant-Based Potatoes... That's Why Aliens Avoid Us

5. I have two heart attacks with me, please ...

6. ...and diabetes for dessert

7. So this is what American culture is like.

8. In case there is still something left in the body that has not stuck together

9. This is the height of culinary art

10. Soon at all gas stations in your city

11. Are they supposed to be thrown into milk?

12. At least someone will die happy

13. There is bread, there is mazik, there is a tomato - and what else does the soul need?

14. "Banana water"

15. Chocolate Chip Cookie Popcorn Seasoning

16. Warm greetings from the UK

17. Cookie Dough Whiskey

18. Honestly ... There is something in it

19. Who lived in a hostel, he does not laugh in the circus

20. A great way to get kids to chew on pencils!

21. The British are unstoppable

22. There is no bad breading, there is a limited imagination

23. Jam Peanut Butter, Beef, Peppers, Bacon Bits and Nachos

24. If you look at this photo for a long time, you can feel how the arteries clog. Mmmmm!

25. In the heat, there is nothing better than a deliciously cold cone ... with tuna

26. Why was it cut, if it can be rolled up like a shawarma?

27. Cursed

28. Everyone knows the feeling of painful waiting for barbecue

29. Even a banana is sad about this venture

30. They say that you can eat everything with rice. It's possible, but is it necessary...

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