Bulldog attack on two children

4 February 2023
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The owner of the dog faces a criminal article.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on the fact of the attack of an English bulldog on two young children in Pushkino near Moscow.

The footage that appeared on the Web today shows how the dog escapes from the owner's leash and for no reason swoops on two children passing by. The bulldog bit both brother and sister, who were returning home from a walk. The girl born in 2018 suffered the most - the dog bit her face and head. The child was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital.

It is reported that initially the owner of the bulldog set the dog on another child (possibly his son), and when other children appeared in the field of view of the excited dog, he rushed headlong at them.

In this video, you can see how a man "plays" with a dog, setting him on another child.

The Investigative Committee previously opened a criminal case under the article on causing grievous bodily harm through negligence. It is also known that the bulldog was not vaccinated. Employees of the authorities began interrogating eyewitnesses and neighbors, and also appointed a forensic examination to determine the degree of harm caused to the health of children.
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