It turns out that the treadmill was invented in the 19th century for punishment (5 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
2 February 2023

Absolutely all familiar things have their own amazing history. Sometimes the history of an invention can be quite unusual, and objects which today are used with joy and voluntarily, could previously cause only negative emotions.

For example, such an object in the 19th century was a treadmill. Not such, of course, which is today in the gyms and some even at home, but its initial prototype. But first things first. History invention begins in 1818, when for some unknown reason, in prison of the city of Bury Sand Endmunds, wandered not very famous, but rather talented English inventor William Cubitt.

Inventor William Cubitt

The young man was very struck by the fact that instead of suffer and repent of their misdeeds, the prisoners felt themselves not bad at all. They spent the whole day just doing what rested, did their business and ate the money of law-abiding taxpayers. Cubitt's indignation knew no bounds, and he decided that so completely unsuitable. After some thought, he came up with an invention, which was supposed to serve as a punishment, and at the same time bring benefit. The invention was a two-meter wheel, on which 24 steps-blades were located. Prisoners stepping in sync should have set it in motion. It turned out that people climbed the stairs, walking along the steps-blades and this drum spinning.

This is what the prison treadmill looked like.

At first glance, it may seem that this is especially difficult there is nothing, but it is only at first glance. Indeed, man as if climbing the steps of the stairs up indefinitely, well, or on steep slope. Moreover, there were certain norms, so according to according to some reports, they ranged from 2 to 5 kilometers a day, and this is without rest break. Agree, go up, for example, on foot to the 10th floor then another test, but what if there are 100 or 150 of these floors? Punished like this way at first especially guilty prisoners, but eventually realizing benefit of such an invention, the "treadmill" began to be used everywhere. Due to this mechanism, a whole lot of useful work, from grinding grain to ventilation mines.

Invention already driven for useful work

The invention brought considerable fame and fortune to Cubitt and of course they enriched the prison authorities. It was only sad prisoners who were so exhausted on this attraction that thoughts of any offenses, and even more so escapes, in the minds of originated from the word at all. A useful invention began to be introduced everywhere. Well, William Cubitt, as an intelligent engineer and inventor started working for the government. In particular, he was now overseeing the construction of canals and docks. Interestingly, the prison "treadmill" in 1902 was canceled as inhumane invention. Or rather canceled its use in prisons. But in 1913, a slightly modified invention saw the light again. A person named S.L. Hagen patented the so-called "training machine", it was sold to already wealthy citizens, for health improvement and useful physical loads.

Girls on Hagen's training car

And the treadmill acquired its modern look thanks to American cardiologist Robert Bruce and inventor of medical devices to Wayne Quinton. Still, it's amazing how an invention for executions gradually mimicked into a health-giving simulator. AND today, it is very willingly used, and exclusively voluntarily.

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