25 good and invigorating facts from which the day will become brighter (26 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
2 February 2023

Did you know cows have a way of making friends, cats have a way to express your favor, and in newborn children it happens "happy overload"? In this compilation, some of the most touching and smile-inducing facts that you may not have heard of before.

1. There is a train station in Japan that used by one person. They wanted to close the station, but, having learned what was on the train sits down a schoolgirl and goes to study, they decided to wait until the girl won't finish school

2. In 1866, Liechtenstein sent to Austro-Prussian-Italian war 80 people. Returned for one more: an Austrian joined the army, with whom the soldiers became friends on the contrary way

3. Adult dogs succumb to playing with puppies so that they won. If a dog and a cat live in the house, the dog may refer to a cat like a puppy

4. The elephant's brain reacts to humans in the same way that the human brain reacts to a puppy.

5. Cows know how to be friends, and when they are next to their best friends, their heart rate is much lower, and in they experience less stress overall

6. There are "frog fences" in Germany. These fences are let frogs cross roads and get hit by wheels. At the end of the day someone comes and collects the frogs and helps them cross the road

7. In County Cork, Ireland, there is a sculpture from silver feathers called "Soul Mates". This is a tribute American Choctaw Indians, who in 1847 during the Great famine collected donations to help Ireland

8. Penguins spend a lot of time looking for the right one. a pebble with which they "make an offer." If the female accepts it, they form a couple for life

9 Squirrels Adopt Abandoned Babies

10. Blind people smile just like everyone else. even if they never saw a smile. It's just an expression of emotion natural to man

11. Most sharks only bite people because they have no arms and are just curious.

12. When your cat looks at you and squints, it her way of letting you know that she cares about you and is happy to see you see

13. Some European countries have ecoducts - special crossings for animals through busy highways. It may be a bridge or a tunnel

14. Red pandas use their fluffy tail like a blanket.

15. Billy Joel never sells a front row seat. Instead, he gives them away for free to his fans, who can't afford them

16. Otters hold on to their paws so as not to lose each other while swimming.

17. When you pet a dog and then he puts his paw on you, it means that he reciprocates.

18. When Ringo left the Beatles during the recording of White album", they wrote him a letter asking him to return and called the best drummer in the world. And when he returnedGeorge Harrison decorated the drum kit with flowers

19. The male cardinal sometimes feeds the female "beak to beak". This is part of the mating behavior when the male practices feeding - which means he can later replace the female and feed the chicks

20. Sometimes, falling asleep, you suddenly feel that somewhere fail or fall. This is because your body is not sure whether you're dying or falling asleep, and gives you an adrenaline rush for just in case

21. When you look into your dog's eyes, in your the brain produces the same chemicals as the mother, who looking at her child

22. People in long-term relationships (romantic, friendly or professional) together subconsciously form macroorganism with a common superbrain. There is a synergistic effect

23. Some types of spiders during the mating season "play a tune" on the web of the female to attract her attention.

24. There are more public libraries in the US than McDonald's.

25. When the baby smiles and laughs, and then suddenly turns away - this is because he, in fact, has an overload happiness and excitement. He needs some time to calm down. look at the source of joy

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