Photo of an abandoned Boeing turned into a cool villa (16 photos)

18 January 2023

A chic holiday villa or how airplanes live out their lives.

Old decommissioned liners always have a different fate: some turn into scrap metal, others have a brighter future.

Sometimes such planes become not only houses, but also luxury hotels. One of these hotels has recently appeared in Bali. The old plane should receive its first guests in the spring, and we we invite you to find out how you managed to make a chic from a mountain of scrap metal villa.

This plane belonged to the Indonesian airline Mandala Airlines.

The carrier went bankrupt in 2014

Last year, the company put up for sale its old aircraft

The Boeing 737 was supposed to go to China and turn into a pile of scrap metal

But it was bought by a Russian entrepreneur who has been living in Bali for several years.

He decided that a luxurious villa would come out of the aircraft

There was a great place for the Boeing: a rock right above the ocean, not far from the wild Nyang Nyang beach

The plane was delivered to the hill in parts using trucks and a crane.

It only took a week to transport, then the assembly of the liner began

Well, another year the old plane was turned into a villa

Now there are two bedrooms, a living room and a private kitchen.

A luxurious bathtub is installed in the bow

The villa has a glass-edged swimming pool in the backyard with ocean views.

One of the wings of the plane has turned into a terrace with a bridge that hangs over the rock.

The villa is sure to become a favorite place for travelers and photographers

This villa was named Private Jet by Hanging Gardens Air.

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