An amazing ancient artifact was found in an ancient Roman stone sarcophagus (8 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
15 January 2023

The big mistake of modern man is that he absolutely underestimates the capabilities and knowledge of the people of the past. Agree, many of us believe that our ancestors had more and more more primitive, and science, and workmanship, etc. But in reality, this of course not.

The people of the past were not much different from us, were among them and eminent scientists, and cultural figures and, of course, the most skillful masters whose products are still the envy of modern connoisseurs. And to see, judging by the finds of archaeologists, earlier it was really something. For example, in France in the city of Autun, and earlier the Roman city of Augustunum was located here, there is an ancient Roman cemetery. And in this cemetery, during excavations, a stone sarcophagus. Inside this sarcophagus, archaeologists found an interesting artifact.

In this form, the artifact was discovered

It was an amazing glass bowl made by a real a virtuoso of his craft. Although it was split into many pieces, but the German restorers who were sent the bowl were able to restore it to its original state. Similar products for archaeologists are not are a novelty, these are the so-called Roman diatretes - "mesh cups" or cage cups. Apparently, they began to be made from the 4th century AD, and these products are a real masterpiece of ancient glassmaking. Diatreta consists of an inner glass and an outer shell, often an intricate lattice or decoration in the form of figurines or geometric patterns. The outer openwork lattice was connected to the inner a glass with glass jumpers. Often these bowls were decorated and inscriptions. For example, found in a sarcophagus, the inscription in Latin read: "VIVAS FELICITER", which means "Live happily."

Unique bowl from an ancient sarcophagus

In fact, it is still not known for certain how masters made similar bowls. It was originally assumed that they carved from a single piece of glass. But as recent data has shown, no traces of such processing were found on the products. Although such versions still exist. The second version involves the manufacture of the product by smelting in special forms. Controversy over manufacturing methods mesh bowls are still being carried out among specialists. known about several dozen similar bowls found by archaeologists, often this of course, numerous fragments, which are subsequently worked on restorers.

! The fragile beauty of ancient glass has always fascinated me. Here is a complete delight.

Only ten were found intact, but let's hope that in the future there will be many more. The work done by the ancient masters, really impressive. The uniqueness of these artifacts is also evidenced by the fact that that no identical instances were found, it is possible that the forms for them were disposable, or that one bowl required colossal time costs. According to some experts, masters who were engaged in the manufacture of diatretes, enjoyed special honor in the Ancient Rome. And the master could be engaged in the creation of one bowl throughout his entire life. life.

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