Amazing inhabitants of the Earth, similar to aliens from other worlds (13 photos)

Category: PEGI 16, Nature
12 January 2023

Despite the fact that the world around us sometimes seems boring and familiar down to the smallest detail, he still has something to surprise us with.

And sometimes the creations of nature are beautiful and amazing, oh whose existence you don’t even suspect, they remind you that on our beautiful planet there is a lot of unknown and wonderful.

This cute bird, the Ceylon Frogmouth, looks like it promised something amazing, but it turned out to be far from it wonderful.

The square starfish, also known as the biscuit starfish. An inhabitant of Australia is rare. Apparently, due to the similarity with there are many who want to enjoy the cookie.

Black rain frog looks like this cutie has It really was the darkest day of my life. However, this is just when appearances are deceiving. If you approach her, then the frog will make such a piercing screech that you immediately want to do legs.

The male pygmy seahorse looks like a cartoon character dissatisfied with everyone and with himself.

The red-necked hornbill, on the contrary, radiates confidence in today's day and in its beauty.

The caterpillars of the bag butterfly are so industrious and active, that they even construct such huts. Primitive creatures definitely there is something to learn.

Sea lily - a happy owner of a cup-shaped form body and a solid number of legs, the number of which varies from 33 up to 62 pieces. Very helpful in catching and eating prey.

The caterpillar of the silkworm-harpy butterfly lives up to its name and knows how to spitting caustic liquid in case of a threat to life. And it looks like this cutie.

The fire snail is the rarest representative of Malaysia. because of of a specific color, it is even popularly called the dracula snail. However, the creature is completely harmless. And is under threat disappearance due to the activity of exotic animal dealers.

What is it - a mouse, a donkey, a rabbit or a kangaroo? Miniature creation - long-eared jerboa. And outwardly it really looks like the fruit of love rabbit and mouse.

The hairy cicada looks like it has a luxurious mane. Reminds me of a fairy-tale character such as a troll. And she needs villi to scare away those who want to feast on the carcass of a cicada.

The fluffy sea rabbit looks like a cute bunny. But it's not it will turn out to stroke or cuddle, because the size of this creature is nudibranch mollusk does not exceed 1 centimeter.

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