A guy who destroyed his family for the sake of unearthly love for an escort was saved by a miracle (10 photos)

7 January 2023

Stories when unexpected love suddenly changes completely life is not so rare. But this is clear evidence of the fact that some "loves" must be looked at very carefully before than to plunge into the pool of passions.

Mike Dippolito stayed up late at the office dealing with the current affairs. The mood was not very good, I did not want to go home. For 7 years marriage, feelings for his wife were no longer so bright. And no one's life canceled.

And Mike decided to have fun - he called an escort. Arriving girl Dahlia turned out to be practically his dream come to life - miniature, bright, forceful, passionate. The man fell in love, after a couple of weeks he applied for divorce and presented a new lover with an engagement ring, which cost him a considerable amount - 20 thousand dollars. For a marriage proposal and heart Dahlia agreed. And six months after the unexpected meeting, a new cell of society was born.

happy looking couple

But the newly baked Mrs. Dippolito had her own plans. The fact is that the husband was engaged in business in the field of finance. The schemes used were not always legal and legitimate, for which Michael even received a small suspended sentence. But everything made up for it. earnings. With his sum, because over the past six months a man has earned 200 thousand dollars.

He probably would have spent most of it on a new love anyway. this money. But suddenly? No wonder Dalia showed up on her first visit. an energetic and enterprising lady. She decided to take matters into her own hands. First, with the help of an ex-boyfriend who introduced himself as a lawyer, put pressure on her husband and forced him to re-register the house for her. But to give coveted money Michael was in no hurry. So things had to be expedited.

A woman puts a bag of drugs in her husband's car and sends an anonymous tip to the police. Seems like a great plan: considering probation, the husband will go to prison for drugs. For a long time. And to her will enjoy freedom and money.


But during a search in the parking lot near the restaurant, which the cops initiated on Dahlia's tip, she played against herself, because the behavior seemed too distant and indifferent women. They want to arrest my husband, he denies everything. Yes and drugs were hidden in a very strange hiding place. And the police believed Dippolito. But she became interested in his wife.


The man put two and two together and realized that apart from his wife, no one knew about plans for the restaurant. And outsiders also have no access to the car was. He asks his wife a direct question about involvement, but she begins to sob from such alleged injustice. And declares that she is expecting a child (actually there was no pregnancy). Happy Michael rushes to the store for gifts.

Dahlia, meanwhile, is hooking up with her other ex-boyfriend - Mohammed (obviously, the lady was popular with men) and asks if he can help with the search for the killer. Mohammed agrees and reports the conversation to the police. Where is the stubborn beauty already took note.

One of the police officers was given as a found killer and sent to meet with the client. All the nuances - the object, deadlines, the cost of the services that the couple discussed in the car was recorded by the camera.

In general, the evidence is sufficient. But Americans love the show. And out of this case, we decided to squeeze the maximum along the way, creating a bright newsbreak. AT on the appointed day, the police arrived at Michael's house and all that told. And then, in the best detective traditions, they equipped a “place crimes": yellow tape, police cars and other entourage and called the customer.

She, having learned about the alleged death of the faithful, burst into such stormy sobs, for which it is not a sin to give out an Oscar. Such a goddess. The girl is summoned to the station to give standard testimony: did she have Michael's enemies, whether she suspects someone of murder, etc.

During the interrogation, a policeman is brought into the office, portraying killer. When asked if this person is familiar to you, Dahlia replies negative. And thus he signs his own sentence. The girl is presented accusations and report that all her actions were recorded by the camera. But even in front of a load of irrefutable evidence toroaring beauty continues to persist and repeat that she knew nothing and did not do anything.

Realizing that there is no point in adhering to such tactics any longer, Dahlia insisted on calling her husband. And in a rather aggressive manner tried to convince that she is not guilty, and all the evidence is fabricated. But meaning there was no more denying the obvious. However, what is most striking, husband, whom the betrothed was going to kill in cold blood, felt guilty. That he could not help a loved one. who, in fact, needed only money.

The woman was charged with incitement to commit murder in the first degree. "She's pure evil!" the judge said. And not without Pleasure announced the verdict - 20 years in prison.

Paradoxically, the failed murder victim, though remained alive, but Michael's reputation and life actually turned out to be destroyed. Dippolito was the focus of public and media attention, which he had so carefully avoided. At some point lawyers Dahlia even tried to build a line of defense based on... the accusation Michael! Say, it was he who tormented the unfortunate fragile girl, because of which she forced to take extreme measures. Funny legal paradoxes come out - to a man who almost became a victim of a contract killing, still have to make excuses.

As for the enterprising and mercantile, but not too smart maidens from the escort, then she had already served more than half the term. And if she lucky to get out on parole, then with a high degree of probability Dalia already has adjusted (and not just one) plan for organizing a further comfortable life.

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