Corvette of the Thai Navy sank in the Gulf of Thailand

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
4 January 2023
The cause of the emergency was a severe storm.

In the Gulf of Thailand during a storm, the corvette of the Thai Navy "Sukhothai" sank with sailors on board. It is reported that due to strong waves, the ship tilted heavily and scooped up a lot of water, after which there was a short circuit in the power supply of the main units, which led, among other things, to turning off the engine. Coupled with the blows of the waves and strong gusts of wind, it was not possible to level the ship.

There were 106 crew members on board, 75 of whom were rescued immediately. The fate of 31 sailors is unknown, they are listed as missing. But there is hope for their salvation - before the disaster, all the sailors managed to put on life jackets. The search and rescue operation is still ongoing.
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