A teacher from Australia makes toys according to the drawings of students (13 photos)

31 December 2022

Children's imagination is boundless and varied. And some adults are only too happy to support her - like this teacher from Australia. Not so long ago, a father shared on social networks a photo of a plush toys, saying that it was made by his son's school teacher. Then in network appeared more works of a talented teacher. Rate it student-drawn creations!

A resident of Australian Melbourne recently shared a photo of a plush toy in social networks. He said that this toy made by his son's school teacher according to his drawing. It turned out, a talented teacher has been creating toys for several years. She makes characters that children draw - and they turn out to be the cutest toys. Although the woman wished to hide her name, her work and approach to children deserve admiration!

"These toys were made by a primary school teacher who teaches my son at a school in north Melbourne. She makes these toys drawings for several years, and made them even during a pandemic, sending disciples to their homes. Children love her toys as much as adults." a man writes.

Evaluate the work of the teacher:

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