Women's space: how women make their home (31 photos)

31 December 2022

It is believed that women are completely helpless in matters of repair. But in fact, this is not so: the fair sex can hold and hammer, and an electric drill, are able, if necessary, to find a common language with masters and, of course, they are well versed in design issues. Here, look!

"This week I finished assembling built-in bookcases! I'm in love with them"

"I got a great bed"

"I built a mini poolside beach. My husband said it was impossible so I made it myself while he was out of town"

"My cozy little attic bedroom"

"A place to relax and read - mine and Bruce's"

"I painted a wall for my little girl. She sleeps in her own room for the first time."

"I am proud of / how I designed the bedroom"

"This is how I used the wall in my office"

"Everything in this room was made by my designer friend. Her name is Mary and she is 92"

"Created a project and designed my loft in New York"

"My sweet bathroom"

"This is the library in my woman's hole"

"Just set up the living room after moving in!"

Women's Space for my 1 year old daughter

"My favorite place in the house"

"I plucked up the courage to paint my living room pink"

"I'm a single mom. I recently bought my first house and tried to make it as girly as possible"

"I created comfort in my new apartment with my own hands"

"My first home of my own. Small but my own"

"I painted my "green room" with my own hands

"I can't stop admiring my workshop"

"My favorite girl Ruby is enjoying her own 'women's space'

"Morning in my greenhouse"

"I love flying saucers and decorated my room accordingly"

"My Sweet Home"

"My girlfriend likes my bedroom as much as I do"

"A girl doesn't need a boyfriend, she needs a cute kitchen with pink toolseat"

"This is how my workshop-living room looks on holidays"

"My house in Chicago was built in 1887. I tried to use the features of his style in the design of my apartment"

"Everything here I planned and did myself. And I am very pleased with the result"

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