11 Extinct Jobs That Don't Exist Anymore (22 Photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
23 December 2022

Finding a job in today's job market is hard enough But imagine what it is like for those who have chosen one of the extinct professions? It is now difficult to imagine that people once hired alarm clock man to knock on their windows in the morning, but this one, and also 10 other professions on this list are really sometime existed, until one day, not too beautiful for them, they simply did not disappeared.

1. Pinspotters in bowling. Bowling clubs hired teenagers and children, so that they manually collect the skittles after hitting and placed them.

2. Alarm people banged with sticks or threw stones at the windows and doors of clients who hired them to keep up with work.

3. Ice cutters mined ice from frozen lakes so that people could use it in basements and refrigerators.

4 Before the invention of radar, the sound of approaching aircraft tracked by a special person using acoustic mirrors and similar devices

5. In Europe, rats were hired to control populations. rat-catchers. They were at high risk but helped prevent their distribution among the population.

6. Lamplighters used long poles to light, extinguish and refill street lights until electric lamps.

7. Until suitable cooling methods and canning milk had to be delivered daily, otherwise it spoiled. This is what the milkman did.

8. Before the technology and infrastructure for transportation of logs, special workers manually lowered them down the river from logging to processing sites.

9. Telephonists were an integral part of the job telephone network. They connected long-distance calls and performed other tasks that are no longer relevant

10. In the 19th century there were "resurrectors" or "body snatchers" who were hired to remove corpses from graves in order to medical students could practice on them

11. It was customary in factories to hire lecturers who read books to the workers to entertain them at work.

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24 December 2022
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