30 strange things found in refrigerators (31 photos)
What can the contents of the refrigerator reveal about its owner? It turns out that a lot of things, including strange ones. Let's take a look at some cases when something strange or extremely funny. There is even a special group on the Reddit forum where people share the non-trivial contents of refrigerators.
Refrigerators are different
Refrigerator with security
Home fridge with a whole collection of cheeses
"I'm here, passing by .."
And why so many eggs?
Fish swimming in the fridge
And what, no one canceled the reuse
I wonder what's the story behind it
It's better not to look here again.
Someone tried
"These Legos have been keeping shelves in my fridge for years."
When the season ends..
Refrigerator "captured" kiwi
Fridge with chickens
Strange things though
Well anything can happen
Does anyone just love bananas?
Well, nowhere without cats!
You are being watched..
Minimalism at its finest
Water reserves
Sausage is trying to escape