17 actors who went to great lengths for the role (18 photos)

19 December 2022

All actors prepare for a role in different ways - someone reads books and watching films on the topic, someone is learning a foreign language or getting to know new people. And someone gains / loses forty kilograms, locks up for a month in a room or sells all his possessions. About these extremals and will be discussed in today's selection.

1. Adrien Brody sold his apartment and car and moved to Europe with just two bags to train for his role in The Pianist.

2. Jim Carrey took the role of Andy Kaufman so seriously in "The Man in the Moon", which continued the late comedian's feud with the wrestler Jerry Lawler and even spat in his face.

3. During the filming of The Birds, live birds were thrown at Tippi Hedren to give her a feel for the role.

4. Clint Eastwood waited 15 years to film "Unforgiven". He bought the rights beforehand, but wanted enough swear to play the lead role convincingly.

5. Brad Pitt sacrificed his Hollywood smile for his role in "Fight Club". He chipped two front teeth and fixed them after end of filming.

6. Christian Bale lived on one apple a day to prepare for a role in "The Machinist", and then gained 45 kilos of muscle to play Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins

7. Filming "Rogue One" took some time. put on hold because Tom Hanks wanted to grow a real beard and lose 23 kilos

8. Gary Oldman so many times and so believable played Americans that he had to turn to a speech therapist to return a british accent

9. To play Walter White believably in Breaking Bad serious," Bryan Cranston learned how to cook methamphetamine under the guidance of Drug Enforcement Administration

10. To prepare for the role of Jim Morrison, Val Kilmer wore the musician's clothes, visited places where he hung out, and lived in his apartment

11. Heath Ledger locked himself in a hotel room for a month, preparing for the role of the Joker. He wanted to feel how a psychopath can be unpredictable

12 Charlie Sheen Started Taking Steroids Because He Wanted To Play The Perfect Major League Athlete

13. Rapper 50 cent lost 23 kilos to play a cancer patient in the movie "Miscellaneous Things"

14. To play a homeless junkie in Jungle Fever, Halle Berry didn't shower for 2 weeks.

15. For a role in Leaving Las Vegas, Nicolas Cage drunk and filmed himself to remember how he speaks in state of intoxication

16. To play his legendary role in Taxi Driver, Robert De Niro got a real taxi driver's license and drove people around New York 12 hours a day

17. Jared Leto put on about 30 kilos for the role of the killer John Lennon in the movie "Chapter 27"

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