12 Stunning Pictures of Humpback Whales Playing With Photographers (13 Photos)

Category: Animals
19 December 2022

Sea giants swim nearby, flapping their fins and even singing songs.

It seems that whales are not the kind of creatures to play with. Indeed, sometimes proximity to whales can be fraught with incidents, there were even cases when a whale swallowed a person. But on in fact, such situations are extremely rare, most often a meeting of people and whale is harmless and full of positive emotions. These giants can swim next to almost at arm's length and behave very friendly as in the pictures below.

These humpback whales are captured off the coast of the Kingdom of Tonga

15-meter giants swim next to a person, circle around him, wave their fins and beat their tails

But at the same time they do not touch divers and photographers at all.

It seems that he is about to capsize the boat, but the whale is very neat

The Kingdom of Tonga is the perfect place to watch humpback whales

They come to local waters to acquire offspring and protect the cubs from predators.

Babies are born less than five meters: they spend the first months of life off the coast of the kingdom

Toddler and his mom

Despite their huge size, whales are completely harmless.

These giants seem to understand that someone is small next to them, and what harm they can do to him

They swim peacefully nearby, waving their fins and even sing songs that can be heard from the shore.

Agree, it's incredible to watch the sea giants being so close to them?

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