A dog that loves to walk on the handles (15 photos)

Category: Animals
15 December 2022

She does not recognize other walks and is almost always in the arms of her mistress.

Most often this happens when a family of cat owners appears puppy, and he grows up surrounded by cats. However, there are sometimes exceptions: this happened to a dog named Tofu, who lives with Rosanna Wang Zanten (Rosanne Van Zanten) in the Netherlands. Tofu doesn't like long walks, she prefers to spend time on the couch, curled up little ball. Well, if she goes for a walk or goes on a trip, then usually spends most of the time ... on the handles!

Tofu was taken from a dog shelter in Romania as a puppy, she was about two months old

Rosanna, who at that time lived with an adult border collie, saw the baby on the shelter website and fell in love

She decided at all costs to give the tramp a house and moved to the Netherlands

To Rosanna's surprise, Tofu is a very modest and shy dog.

Perhaps she was affected by a past life in a shelter, so the baby prefers loneliness

Tofu is most comfortable at home, she likes to sleep and is not very happy to walk

For Rosanna, who has an active Border Collie, Tofu's behavior was a revelation.

Therefore, the girl had to look for a non-standard way out of the situation.

Even though Tofu doesn't like walking, Roseanne still takes her with her.

True, most of the time the dog has to be carried on the handles.

However, this does not stop the girl, and she loves her pets.

They even travel around the country and Europe in such an unusual way.

After all, the border collie loves walking, she needs activity.

Tofu has been living with Roseanne for seven years and she still loves to spend time at home on the couch.

It's amazing how different dogs can be, isn't it?

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