Fuego volcano erupts near capital of Guatemala

13 December 2022

Fuego is located just 44 km from the capital of Guatemala and has already brought a lot of trouble to the locals in June 2018. Then 190 people died and 256 were missing.

This eruption began on the night of December 10th.

Current map of volcanic ash dispersion for December 11

The volcano is restless, noisy, small eruptions arrange annually since 2012. Local residents have long been accustomed to his "antics", but tourists are impressed.

By the way, there is a funny legend about how the Spanish priests tried to "christen" the volcano and give it a decent name Katarina. Fuego did not accept baptism, and in response to the holy water he spat out a column of ash and gas, frightening the priests to horror.

Now the volcano is being watched by specialists and rescue services. The fact is that in 2018 the volcano did not leave time for the evacuation of residents, then almost two hundred people died. As a result of the eruption, an ash column about 15 kilometers high was formed. Hot ash, rocks, and fast-moving clouds of hot gas and volcanic matter destroyed crops, cut off roads, and blocked several nearby villages. According to local residents, about 2,000 people died then.

The fact is that the population density near the volcano is quite large. About 54,000 people live in an area of 10 km, and more than 1 million within 30 km.

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