Heavy smoker who tore his clothes. The tragic story of the real Mowgli (3 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
13 December 2022

The story of the real Mowgli was, alas, far from being as romantic as that of Kipling.

In 1867, a group of Indian hunters tracked down a she-wolf. The hunters followed her and discovered the wolf's lair.

In this photo, the prototype of Mowgli is 29 years old

Cautiously approaching, to their surprise, the hunters discovered that one of the members of the pack was a little boy of about six years old.

The hunters killed the she-wolf, and the boy was taken from the cave. His named Dina Sanichar. He was brought to the nearest orphanage and hoped civilize. But "Mowgli" could not become civilized.

Dina continued to walk on all fours. He only ate raw meat and tried to gnaw and chew on the bones. He spoke, but exclusively wolf. In particular, howled like a wolf. And I couldn't learn a single human word.

At first, he avoided any human contact. Didn't play with boys, but huddled in a dark corner. And tore any clothes that are on tried to wear it. But over time, in part, adapted.

Dina Sanicar couldn't even walk on two legs at first

The staff of the orphanage noted that Dina was not weak-minded. He I just couldn't physically speak. But tried to communicate like able - like a wolf. And taught, introduced others to the shelter of newcomers children.

Moreover, he was able to raise another "Mowgli", which brought later. Taught him how to wear clothes, use canteens appliances and drink from a cup, not from a puddle.

Dina Sanichar in the last years of her life

The only thing that he did well from the human - is smoking tobacco. Sanichar became a heavy smoker. Immunity and he completely destroyed his respiratory system. And died at the age of 34 tuberculosis.

This story inspired Kipling to write the famous Jungle Book.

It is curious that the writer was inspired by publications 25 years ago, when the child was found. And did not know the details of what had become of Dina as an adult. The book itself was published exactly in the year of death. the real prototype of Mowgli - in 1894.

In India, these are called "child-wolf". It was the first registered case. In total, over the past 100 years, it is known how at least 50 similar situations.

Those who live with wolves for many years are irreversibly changed and physically. Due to walking on all fours, their hands are proportionally grow less - the development of the skeleton in this direction slows down.

Cases when a child is raised by wolves are registered most. But there were also stories when panthers fed children, gazelles and even ... chickens! And all the children adopted the features of behavior their adoptive parents.

Alas, all these people have not been able to adapt to life in human society.

This is easy to explain from the point of view of modern science. Child must go through a number of necessary stages: to master fine motor skills, speech, learn to connect with people. And if he doesn't do it in time, the brain will develop, leaving that stage unfinished. And catch up in adulthood is no longer possible.

Civilization, communication skills - this is what we learn, acquire in the outside world. All this is not innate.

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