The angle decides: an unusual look at known or familiar things (20 photos)

10 December 2022

There are some familiar, well-established pictures of the world for us. And what happens if you look at the same things or events a little otherwise, from a different angle? Here is a small but very accurate photo selection on this topic.

1. The apartment from the legendary sitcom "I Love Lucy" of the 50s in color. Viewers remember her in black and white

2. Figurine "Emmy" on the reverse side

1. The figurine is the property of the TV Academy.

2. Reproduction and commercial use without permission is prohibited.

3. If the heirs of the prize winner want to sell or otherwise another way to get rid of the figurine, they should contact television academy so that the statuette can take its place of honor in the museum.

3. "Soaring" police car from the movie "Total Recall"

4. Zoo

5. Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco)

6. Get into the bottle. On the set of the sitcom "I Dream of Jeannie" (1965)

7. Empty Oval Office awaiting renovation

8. Opening scene from Inglourious Basterds

9. Press Center of the White House, view from the podium

10. The names of members of the 1907 Montreal Wanderers are engraved inside the Stanley Cup bowl.

11. Claude Monet in his home studio paints a picture from the cycle "Water Lilies (Water Lilies)", 1920

12. Empty Boeing 787

13. Central Perk from Friends

14. US President George W. Bush announces the start of the war in Afghanistan, 2001

15. Music duo Daft Punk without their usual helmets. Performance at the French nightclub L'An-Fer, 1996

16. Everest and the Himalayas, view from the ISS

17. Set of the television series "Seinfeld"

18. The room in which the Mona Lisa hangs

19. Popular game show Jeopardy! ("Take a risk!"), view from the side of the gaming tables of the participants

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