Chinese village where every resident is a millionaire (10 photos)

7 December 2022

What is a village in our usual representation? vegetable gardens, houses, household, livestock. But there is a place in China called Huaxi.

Every villager lives in his big cottage equipped with every comfort, drives an expensive car and has on his an impressive amount of money. This place has no analogues in the world.

Wealth appeared among the inhabitants of the village far from immediately. Back in the 60s In the 20th century, the peasants in it lived very modestly, until the position Wu Zhenbao did not join the village secretary of the party committee.

He was a good and ambitious business executive who, before his engaged in political activities as a farmer. Renbao was upset the standard of living of the people of Huaxi.

In 1969, he decided to build a textile factory, which gave rise to a new rich life. This radical and the bold initiative was approved by the management, and the plant, which started his work in 1970, began to make a profit.

For the next 20 years, the village switched from agriculture to manufacturing. Over time, eight more enterprises grew up in the vicinity of Huaxi, and the territory of the settlement covered 12 villages acquired socialist commune.

Huaxi now attracts $4 billion in investment annually. Tourists come to it to admire the luxurious infrastructure, and migrants are rushing to work. However, in 1969, Wu Renbao went to risk using the state budget and if the plan failed, it could to lose his head.

Today, about 35,000 people live in Huaxi, not counting 25 thousand labor migrants. The streets of the village are exactly the same, as well as houses, ranging from 400 to 600 square meters, with landscaped area, security.

Parks and fountains where turtles swim. Well, in the center village there is a 328-meter skyscraper with an elite hotel at 800 numbers.

20% of Huaxi's annual income goes to residents, regardless from their age. That's about $14,000 each. Every local the resident is a shareholder of the "Huaxi" cooperative. Local Chinese even especially there is nowhere to spend money in the village, because they have a serious benefit package from the state:

- food subsidies;

- additional allowances of 3,000 yuan;

- free medical and educational services;

- one-time financial support for pensioners who have reached the age of 100 and their family members in the amount of $1,500;

- provision of housing upon reaching the age of majority;

- financial support for the elderly.

All this allowed each family to accumulate a fairly large amount. Most a modest fortune of at least $400,000. With only one small "but": residents of Huaxi can use all privileges and payments while living in the village. Therefore, the number of people wishing to leave practically equal to zero. Paradise? It would seem that...

All this material success of Huaxi is the result of her great efforts. residents. They work without days off, holidays and vacations. Instead of travel, they usually look at views of miniatures of world attractions presented at the exhibition in the World Park.

Well, and more ... Ecology.

Thick smoke from the chimneys of industries covers the village in a dense layer. AT In recent years, the authorities have been forced to close five factories and spend on disposal of hazardous chemical waste more than 50 million dollars. Today trying to focus on the development of tourism, so that does not happen ecological disaster. It is for this reason that the entire infrastructure literally gilded.

But Huaxi has no plans to stop. Leaders in the future The village wants to establish its own bank and buy out the shipping company.

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