Lions came to visit tourists live video

Category: Video, Animal world
1 December 2022
A couple of campers camping overnight in one of their African reserves were surprised to the core when, waking up from strange sounds near the tent, they decided to look out and see what was happening. They will remember this moment for the rest of their lives!

Francie Franziska Lubbe and her partner were vacationing in the Mabuasehube Wildlife Refuge in Botswana, hoping to see the locals and not realizing that they would soon visit them themselves.

They were awakened by two lionesses licking the morning dew from the window of their tent.

The couple decided not to provoke the animals and remained completely still while they were near the tent, which, according to them, was not easy.

The window of the tent is almost completely transparent, so that the couple was able to see the lions at less than an arm's length.

Francie described the experience on social media as "incredible". Her photographs taken during the lion invasion of the tent have attracted a lot of attention on social networks - which, when you think about it, is not surprising.

“There was no noise, there was no smell. We tried to be very quiet so as not to disturb them, ”the girl writes.

Fortunately, this meeting did not end in tragedy.

The lions eventually ran into the bushes after drinking the dew.

After that, the tourists, alive and well, only slightly frightened, were finally able to leave the tent.
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2 December 2022
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