russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 30

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
1 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Scott Kelly, Andriy Shevchenko, Oleksandr Usyk.

And Kelly's words are like a priceless treasure:

I've been in space four times. I thought that the most beautiful light comes from the stars. Now I know that it comes from human hearts.

- Compensation for the father is certainly powerful

It would be better if a textbook on the "History of Ukraine"

- Well, something like that... not all fighters like them are written about on your Internet.

- The invaders decided to rest right in the middle of the battlefield

- Poland captures Ukraine

It was the 9th month of the war with the occupiers, and their hurdy-gurdy about Poland never ends

- Combat occupier-mage at your service

Only orc-mages looked different in games, more pleasant, or something...

- Well, it's good that under the armpits

The passenger on the previous video heats up differently...

- "Minyayu zhinku" in Russian

Sent Vanka, stayed with Dabulamanzi... Typical Russia...

- The first photo of Strelkov "from the front"

Looks frightened

- War is war, but no one has canceled stealing the budget

Beglov is ready to do everything for people for their own money — in St. Petersburg installed "installation" near the metro for 3 million rubles

But the same sphere on Alibaba costs only 300,000 rubles

- They gathered a drama club as best they could, but the journalists broke everything again

- Moscow is getting ready for something

In addition to benches in parking lots and basements, the city began to hang loudspeakers on poles

I wonder what they are planning...

- #losses of invaders as of 11/30/2022

+500 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

Major – Kovalev Maxim

Captain – Shirobokov Andrey

Captain – Savin Igor

- The shelling of the ZNPP demonstrates that Moscow is not afraid of the possibility of tripling a nuclear catastrophe on the territory of Ukraine, which will hit not only the territory of Ukraine, – Pentagon (

- The threat of missile strikes from Rashka on energy infrastructure facilities throughout Ukraine remains, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.

Do not ignore worries and take care of yourself!

- In the Bryansk region in Russia, oil tanks are burning hot. Fire area 1800 sq.m.

- "Yandex" removes destroyed houses in Mariupol from the maps. This was reported by the Commissioner for Human Rights Dmitry Lubinets. With "Yandex.Maps" already propal residential building at the address: st. Azovstalskaya, 33, although this house is still displayed on Google Maps.
Film Pathetic attempts of katsaps to hide their crimes.

- The Pentagon does not plan to supply the Patriot system from the United States to Ukraine, said ( US Department of Defense spokesman Pat Ryder.

“Air defense remains a top priority for the US Department of Defense and the international community when it comes to supporting Ukraine. As for Patriot batteries from the USA, we are not currently planning to ship them to Ukraine, – the official said.

- The pilgrimage of the SBU to the monasteries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (MP) continues. Now the test is being held in the Cyril and Methodius convent of the Mukachevo diocese.

It's getting more and more interesting.

- But the owner of the Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin began to threaten the Russian business, which does not let employees learn how to kill civilians.

A sledgehammer is waiting for everyone?

- The European Commission proposes to create a special court to prosecute the crimes of Russia, Andrey Yermak writes.

- Katsaps drape from the Zaporozhye region? According to the mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov, the invaders are retreating from Polog:

“The Orcs decided to relocate the hospital from the temporarily occupied Polog to Mariupol. Residents report that all survivors are being taken out of the local hospital. And near Polog you can hear automatic and machine-gun bursts, – the mayor wrote.

- Katka is everything in Odessa. The city council supported the decision to dismantle the monument to Catherine II. It will be moved to the museum. Also, after Katka, there was a monument to Suvorov.

- The Chinese know something. This is the official twitter of the Chinese edition.

- It is impossible to completely repair the energy system of Ukraine this winter, — Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Energy, Housing and Communal Services.

"Repair requires equipment, the manufacture of which takes at least 6 months", — Andrey Gerus added. He also stated that not all European equipment is suitable for Ukraine's energy systems.

- The US FBI searched Medvedchuk's yacht in Croatia, Croatian newspaper Jutarnji List writes. The 92-meter Royal Romance, which is moored in Trogir, was searched ten days ago by order of the Split District Court.

The search was carried out in the strictest secrecy, the newspaper notes.

- Bear Grylls arrived in Ukraine — British traveler and television host of a survival show.

Welcome to Ukraine.

- There was an explosion near the Ukrainian embassy in Madrid, one person was injured, — Reuters.

According to media reports, an employee of the embassy opened an envelope containing explosives. He received minor injuries.

The police cordoned off the territory where the embassy is located.

- The bullying continues: the German company Uniper is suing Gazprom, accusing the company of losses from undersupply of gas from Russia.

Uniper estimates the current cost of replacing Russian gas at 11.6 billion euros, the company said in a statement.

- Bulbashi again compose fairy tales. NATO is preparing for offensive military operations in the eastern direction, — said Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Khrenin.

Also, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus claims that the West is preparing "nationalist formations" in Ukraine, which can be used to seize power in Belarus by force.

- Belarus will spend a record amount on defense – more than $1.1 billion. For comparison: the planned budget of Ukraine for defense and security in 2023 – $ 31 billion (excluding the help of partners), the military budget of the Russian Federation next year – $81 billion

- Germany recognized the Holodomor as genocide of the Ukrainian people. The Bundestag of Germany voted for the relevant resolution.

- Plan to attack Ukraine failed because it was too secret .

The authors claim that even the Russian military leadership did not know about the intention to attack the neighboring country. The plan assumed that Raska would invade Ukraine, occupy it in 10 days, and complete the annexation of territories by August, but Russian troops were not tactically prepared to carry it out.

Putin Outplayed Everyone Again.

- Now everything is clear. The new goal of the so-called "SVO": to prevent Ukrainians from donating to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

- Beautiful! BC warehouses and Katsap bases that destroyed the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the autumn, from 09/01 to 11/30

Total – 249 BC warehouses, 106 bases/headquarters/CP, 8 PMM.

- The EU could block Twitter if Elon Musk refuses to enforce strict content moderation rules, Financial Times writes ( The publication reports that the main conditions for the Mask – it is a rejection of the "arbitrary approach"; to the return of access to the social network for previously blocked users and the rejection of the "aggressive dissemination of disinformation".

- Belgium will send R7 submersibles to Ukraine r7-remotely-operated-vehicles-to-ukraine.html) Navy Recognition. By the end of May 2023, 10 underwater drones manufactured by the Belgian company ECA Robotics Belgium will be delivered to Ukraine.

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