One of the most cruel maniacs: a series was shot about him (12 photos)

30 November 2022

It would seem ... A young, rather attractive man, from an outwardly good and prosperous family.

Netflix often makes series based on real life. events and could not ignore the story of Jeffrey Dahmer, who brutally murdered 17 young men between 1978 and 1991. The series caused indignation among many, because it seemed that the creators tried to arouse sympathy for the maniac, although this is debatable. If you looked - write, did you feel the same way?

It is difficult to describe everything that he did, a healthy psyche will digest it with difficulty, so it is better to talk about him.

So who is Jeffrey Dahmer

He was born in 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Geoffrey's mother suffered from a mental disorder, she had depression and She took medication during pregnancy. The boy's father was scientist, research chemist and Ph.D.

From here you can count. The mother was taking psychotropic drugs in particular, the tranquilizer Equanil, which was widely used and In 1956, one in 20 Americans took it. It got pretty fast it is clear that it causes psychological and physical dependence. Mother Dahmer even once tried to commit suicide by taking Equanil.

The father in the family was more nominal, he studied and built own career. That is, the child was in fact left with a woman, which could hardly be called viable. Geoffrey was basically abandoned already as a baby: mother seems to be there, but she herself needs to be was taken care of.

Dad is not around either. Well, it's hard to say with certainty about it, but it is possible that the drugs that the mother took while in position, too influenced Dahmer's brain. emotional deprivation in early age has a strong influence on the baby's brain and becomes the soil for the development of anxiety and future various developmental disorders, adaptation and behaviour.

When the father did appear at home, he endlessly cursed with his mother. Which, of course, speaks of the almost complete lack of empathy with his side, because to blame a mentally unstable person for something, instead of providing him with full care and concern. Abandoned Jeffrey grew up in constant conflicts, daily seeing a helpless, indifferent and scandalous mother and very hard experienced the absence of his father.

Shortly before his four years, Dahmer underwent surgery to remove double inguinal hernia, which was a powerful traumatic experience for him. Abandoned boy with anxiety, who wants to cut something off, and his in fact, there is no one to console. Loneliness, fear, horror.

Also, the Dahmer family often moved. Over the years they have changed three houses in different states. For his unstable childish psyche, these the changes were much more serious than for an ordinary child.

All these facts of the biography of Jeffrey Dahmer have become fertile soil for his pathology, which led to the death of seventeen people.

Geoffrey showed an interest in animals from early childhood. But only do not scratch behind the ears of cute puppies. He liked to find the dead, to example of being hit by a car. The study of anatomy was actively supported by the father Dahmer, who was sure that the child was driven exclusively by scientific interest. He explained to him how to preserve the finds in formaldehyde, how handle bones. And Geoffrey was only glad, because it was an extra an excuse to be with the father he admired. But the relationship with the mother him were painful: he saw that she was behaving strangely, her tantrums, helplessness.

No wonder Dahmer went to school timid and downtrodden child. Peers, as expected, began to persecute the quiet girl, so he began drink strong alcohol already in adolescence, calling it "medicine". There is nothing to be surprised.

Pretty quickly, Dahmer realized that he was not attracted to girls. What became his next problem, in addition to the fact that he felt abandoned and unnecessary to his family, an outcast at school, and then there's this. But it was the 80s ... Discrimination was terrible, despite the fact that rights movement began to gain momentum. But cannedactive people The Americas were not yet ready for openness.

Dahmer felt "not like that" on all fronts. He was frightened by the fact that his father learns his orientation. By the age of 16, Dahmer constantly had fantasies about control and dominance over an absolutely helpless man. fantasies were very strong, but the first attempt to implement them failed - when he ambushed a runner in the bushes and tried to attack him, then suffered failure.

Upon reaching the age of 18, their parents divorced. Mother collected her things, then took the youngest child and left without saying where. father too left and Geoffrey was alone in the house. They threw him out again. Is it worth it to say that the divorce of the parents became a strong stress. Such an event (at each to his own) can be found in the biography of almost any maniac. At 18 years Dahmer committed his first crime.

Since then, Jeffrey Dahmer constantly drank, periodically made his crimes and even, at the insistence of his father, he served in the army, from where he fired for drunkenness. He was detained several times, then for driving in drunk, then for indecent behavior. Dahmer began to come to certain clubs where he found men and made them drink alcohol with powerful drugs. And at first, Jeffrey lived in the house his grandmother, which did not stop him from committing crimes. Granny felt a strong smell, but seemed to refuse to recognize going on in her house. Then the maniac moved into a rented apartment in a dysfunctional and criminal area, where it has already turned to the full. Once, a half-naked Laotian teenager was able to run out of his apartment. origin, which was found and called the police. Dahmer was able to convince the police that the boy just looks young, that they have a relationship and they just quarreled, drunk. The police ignored the fact that the escapee was half-dead, in an unconscious state. Yes. Police believed a white man, even if he already had repeated criminal record.

Neighbors have repeatedly complained about the simply unbearable smell from Dahmer's apartment. But nobody did anything. Didn't raise an alarm.

From an interview with Jeffrey Dahmer: "I didn't like killing, killing was only a necessity, it was an act that did not appeal to me at all. That's why I tried to create live zombies with sulphurous acids and drills, but I did not succeed. No, the goal was not murder, but the possession of a certain person so that he is constantly under my control, not taking into account his wishes, but only doing what I want. It's hard to say this, but yes, that's exactly what I was aiming for. If a If I could not kill, I wouldn't go for it, but I couldn't. And if me let go one day, it's not a fact that I won't do it again."

17 young guys. His murders were a mixture of rape, necrophilia and cannibalism.

In 1991, Dahmer invited another victim to his place. He tried handcuff him, but Tracey Edwards was able to break free and he ran out outside. He attracted the attention of two police officers, he literally screamed about that they had just tried to kill him. The police decided to go up to apartment and there, during the inspection, they found photos of dismembered corpses, as well as body fragments. In the refrigerator, they were horrified to find a human heart, three heads and the rest of the entrails.

The court found Dahmer sane and guilty on 15 counts of murder.

Maniac received 15 life sentences. In 1994 Jeffrey Dahmer and another inmate were beaten to death in the prison shower Christopher Scarver, who was in jail for a double murder.

According to the lawsuit of relatives of 11 victims of Dahmer, his property was distributed among them. In 1996, the lawyer representing injured parties, announced plans to hold an auction for the sale of items belonging to the maniac, including the same refrigerator and guns murders. The revenue was supposed to be a million dollars. News caused a huge outrage in the killer's hometown and was created initiative group that raised $407,225 to buy things and destroy them.

The story of Jeffrey Dahmer is not only about an inhuman being, but also about terrible racism and prejudice against the poor. After all, if with they killed white guys with the same method and openness, and if white neighbors reported suspicious sounds, stench and everything else, then the police would obviously have moved faster ... Sadly.

Be careful look out and take care of yourself!

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