30 eccentric dogs that will charge you with a good mood (31 photos)

Category: Animals
30 November 2022

It’s not for nothing that dogs are considered man’s best friend. They are love us with the most unconditional love, give us positive emotions, serve us faithful companions - and we do not have tea in return for our souls in them. Sometimes dogs behave like complete fools - but we will forgive them any behavior! Take a look at these freaks.

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The good boy brought the wand

I take everything with me

“A month ago my dog ​​found a piece of cake in this bush. Now she looks there every time, in the hope that there again there will be a magic cake"

There are not many balls

"Photo of my dog ​​while she's at the day shelter. She's just in love with the Great Dane she's in the same group with"

When I realized that the walk was over

Roll in the grass until you get tired! You only live once!

Do you want hugs?

Owners of puppies will understand..

It's great when you can share a chair with a friend

When the morning doesn't start with coffee

The main thing is that he is so comfortable

Something went wrong

"My dog ​​realized that if you sit in this place, you can get a lot of attention from passers-by"

observation point

elegant dog

Dog happiness is in the details

Best Wedding Photo

This is how we sit

"I didn't understand, when will we arrive?"


Well hello

Reloading in progress..

Dogs and wave

The dog pretended to be a cat

No, don't be ashamed!

The boy just made himself a blanket

Awkward moment

We need to mark our territory

"So, I passed by .."

img src="https://cn22.nevsedoma.com.ua/p/26/2610/137_files/94d77d9658962cbc7701db9dd2866038.jpg">

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