Hit parade of terrible neighbors (36 photos)

Category: Fun
28 November 2022

Renting an apartment with a friend is a convenient option: the rent can be divided between two people, food is cooked in turns, and always there is someone to brighten up a sad lonely evening. But sometimes neighbors the apartment is presented with such surprises that even stand, even fall!

The flatmate threw away the dishes so as not to wash them. And I bought it, by the way!

Our neighbor moved out.... All these stains are dog urine

My neighbor's bathroom

My neighbor left the water running in the sink to defrost the meat and went to the store. This is my room

My flatmate moved out and I found that his the room stinks of urine and the carpet is stained. We never had a home animals, this is human urine

My neighbor always forgets food somewhere

My roommate takes a bite of butter and then puts it in the pan when it's her turn to cook.

I haven't been home for several weeks. When I returned, I saw that the neighbor had left our shared bathroom like this

Told my roommate it was his turn buy toilet paper and he bought two rolls of the thinnest single ply paper

My neighbor refuses to use cutting boards. This is what our kitchen table looks like now

The neighbor's rice cooker is overgrown with what looks like brains. He refuses to wash her and defiantly leaves her in the common kitchen

My neighbor used my favorite turtleneck as a barbecue rag.

My friend quarreled with her neighbor because who left milk on the table. While a friend was at work, that's what arranged by a neighbor

My neighbor broke my TV. I already called the police

My friend's neighbor is waiting for her mom to come from across town to clean up the mess and do the dishes.

My neighbor threw away my food to make room for her salads in the fridge.

My neighbor never throws sour milk out of the fridge

I used to think the neighbor had his own soap

This is my neighbor's cup that he flatly refuses to wash.

My roommate turned off the electricity when leaving, but forgot to take food out of the fridge

I moved out a month earlier than I should have because I always cleaned up after the neighbors. Today I came back to pick up something and saw it

My roommate was in a shared bathroom

My qua neighborrtire likes to eat sunflower seeds and washes the floor without vacuuming

My neighbors are two grown men. Well, why can't they lay out the devices more comfortably?

My neighbor's shelf in the fridge

My neighbor thinks it's ok

In this form, my former flatmate left behind an air grill

Neighbor used my toothbrush

I came to my room in the university dormitory and saw that my neighbors had time to have fun here

My neighbor broke the toilet seat. Today he put a new one in its place. no words

In this form, my neighbor left the sink before leaving for 2.5 weeks

This is how my dorm roommate lives. He spilled beer on his bed several times and never washed the sheets.

And my neighbor is too lazy to cut the cheese

My neighbor decided to cook soup

My neighbor moved out, leaving the apartment like this

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