17 fascinating photos that will amaze even the most inveterate skeptics (17 photos + 1 video)

22 November 2022

Majestic and impressive creations, artistic and curious gifts of the Earth, all this is nearby, but we do not always have opportunity to see it. Impressive images are collected in this post amazing wonders of the world.

Hyper-realistic art exhibition of ocean waves

Crab infestation in Australia

Erosion caused this natural rock formation

A work of art that seems to contain another dimension

Stunning Black Hellebore Helleborus

A solar storm caused a temporary crack in the Earth's magnetic field and caused this rare pink aurora

Rock paintings in Main Bay, New Zealand look like they came from an Indiana Jones movie

Inside an abandoned particle accelerator built in 1930

Rainbow obsidian from Lake County, Oregon. He was formed by gas bubbles stuck in the cooling lava, is unique in its wavy iridescent sheen

The Kopp-Etchells effect is a bright ring or disk which are sometimes formed by rotorcraft when operating in conditions desert

Octopus carved from a single mahogany trunk

Orange Grove in Israel

Faberge egg - the last gift of Tsar Nicholas II to his mother, Empress Maria Feodorovna for Easter 1901

This is a crowned jellyfish, a beautiful and harmless species.

Incredible wedding cake Renata Agzamova

Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore

The oldest known puppet, discovered in the Czech Republic. Her age is 24000 BC

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