17 curious facts that will expand your horizons (17 photos)

Category: Facts
22 November 2022

There is an opinion that if you learn something new every day, then the brain receives the necessary development. After all, we are naturally curious, it is we have evolved. In this post you will get your daily serving developing information.

Couples who marry in January, February and March have higher divorce rates

There's a place in California where rocks move on their own

The place where the phenomenon of moving stones was discovered, named Death Valley, California. Very severe weather here. conditions: in winter piercing winds constantly blow and it rains, and in summer there is a terrible heat that does not subside even at night. Right here in 1913 year recorded the highest temperature on our planet: + 57 ° C.

The scientists explained the phenomenon itself by the fact that when, after seasonal flooding, the air temperature drops below zero, at the bottom of the lake a crust of ice forms, and the stones begin to slide on it.

Tigers are very vindictive! They can wait for years to get revenge on the abuser when they have the opportunity.

In 1814, several areas of London were flooded with ... tons of beer

London's Horseshoe Brewery flourished. Once on one of tanks burst protective hoop. This colossus weighed as much as 700 kilograms. The giant barrel contained 560,000 liters of porter. The incident was not given much importance, because such breakdowns have happened before. But then something unpredictable happened: an explosion and tons of liquid spilled onto the streets. A four-meter beer tsunami swept through the city, turning it into ruins and claiming the lives of eight people and many injured.

Chrysler built the planes that attacked Japan. BUT Mitsubishi built anti-aircraft artillery to shoot them down, currently while both produce cars

The youngest grandmother in the world is Romanian Rifka Stanescu. She is only 23 years old

People tend to trust a bearded man more than a clean-shaven one.

If we turn to psychological research, then first of all famous works of Robert Pellegrini 1973, who claims that men with a beard are perceived as more masculine, successful and dominant.

Oxford University was founded before the rise of the Aztec Empire

Paradoxically, it is a fact that the bloody sacrifices began to be carried out 330 years later than to teach people the sciences. Training in Oxford University began in 1096, while Tenochtitlan was founded in 1325.

Saudi Arabia imports camels and sand from Australia

Saudi Arabia imports sand because local sand is bad suitable for construction, and Arabs consider the meat of Australian camels tastier.

Russia is bigger than Pluto

Everyone knows that Russia is a huge country, but few people suspect that it is larger than one of the dwarf planets in the solar system. Square Pluto's surface is 16.650 million square meters. km, and the area of ​​Russia - 17.098 million sq. km.

Sharks have actually been around longer than trees. Sharks appeared about 400 million years ago, and trees - about 350 million years ago

The Australian government waged war against emus

Even two. And lost in both wars. And it's not a joke at all: soldiers with machine guns tried unsuccessfully to reduce the emu population.

The Japanese embassy helps its citizens

The Japanese Embassy in Paris has a 24 hour hotline which tourists can call when they have a panic attack. The reason for this is their unjustified expectations regarding Paris. It is worth noting that among the Japanese, Paris is surrounded by a romantic halo. BUT in fact it is as chaotic and messy as any big city.

Mushrooms are closer to humans than you think

Mushrooms are more animals than plants. There are several reasons for this. If a explain in 2 words, it is related to the evolution and structure of fungi. They are They digest food like animals and reproduce like plants. First the progenitors of fungi - saprolegnia spores are 185 million years old years. To date, there are 1.5 million species, of which only about 10%. Mushrooms are able to transmit information over a distance and live for millions of years.

Scientists believe that it was mushrooms that created the earth's atmosphere. they are the ancestors of all plants and animals on our planet.

Peasants in Indonesia believe that lying on the railroad tracks will cure them of many diseases.

Breathing Bombay air all day long is like smoking 2 packs of cigarettes

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