Обійшовся в копієчку: підлога у спальні з 20 тисяч монет (8 фото)

22 November 2022

Reddit user Jake0111 showed how laid out the floor of copper coins. His wife works in a tile shop so the tile can no longer be seen. So Jake decided to surprise his wife, and at the same time do something unique and fun in your home.

This project is really cheap.

With a $200 budget, Jake went straight to the bank and took out 20,000 copper pennies.

He immediately began gluing them to the floor one by one. Each row - approximately 100 coins

Jake even enlisted his daughter to help. True, she quickly got tired of the monotonous work and she left.

But he is stubborn, so the process moved

Jake even decided to put a pattern of shiny new coins in the center

What a brilliant floor. When all the coins were in place, Jake covered the floor with self-levelling epoxy.

This is how the floor in the room turned out in the end. Well, the main thing is that the wife likes it.

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